Friday, September 15, 2006

Clowns and Nukes

In all honesty, I would've loved to see military MPs arrive and "neutralize" the clowns.

The activists used bolt-cutters to get into the E-9 Minuteman III facility, located just northwest of the White Shield, North Dakota. “Using a sledgehammer and household hammers, they disabled the lock on the personnel entry hatch that provides access to the warhead and they hammered on the silo lid that covers the 300 kiloton nuclear warhead,” the group said in a statement. “The activists painted ‘It’s a sin to build a nuclear weapon’ on the face of the 110-ton hardened silo cover and the peace activists poured their blood on the missile lid.”

This was all done while wearing face paint, dunce caps, misfitting overalls, and bright yellow wigs.

The clowns themselves weren't from Canada -- as we might expect.

Here's on the story.

1 comment:

Mr roT said...

This defrocked priest must have just taken his priapism out on a couple altar boys and wanted to see a bigger missile.