Thursday, January 22, 2009

No more secret prisons ? What's this democracy coming to?

next thing you know, they'll reinstate habeas corpus, ban torture and then, it'll be the end of western civ.


Tecumseh said...

Define "secret prison," Pepe. In what sense is Gitmo "secret"? Pinko "logic" in all its glory...

Pepe le Pew said...

They are referring to secret CIA prisons across Eastern Europe and possibly elsewhere where "extraordinary renditions" took place. Rush Limbaugh didn't mention this sad story ?

Arelcao Akleos said...

What's so "sad" about it? That we did not tell the enemy where its prisoners were kept? Pathetic.
This democracy is dying. We have leaders who surrender all will to fight the enemy while the enemy continues in full war against us. We have sycophants of that Versaillean "leadership" who are quite happy to let others die for the Vichy refusal to do other than submit to those who have as a fierce intent the destruction of democracy.
Of course Pepe would cheer on this stupidity. Aristos have precisely the same respect for the rights of men,and a republic which will fight to preserve them, as Islam Militant does.
Le Pew is, at best, dhimmi. And his planet will lose any semblance of freedom once those irritating souls who refuse dhimmitude have been properly laughted off to their grave.
In reality, there is War. If we refuse to face it honestly, it is not a question of whether we will be defeated; only of how long before the end. With the Saudirian candidate in Imperial Command, and the Pepean cadres ulalating to drown out all contrary voices, it won't take long for the expanding expressions of victory in the Ummah to ascend into a Triumph of Allah's Will.
I hope Rush Limbaugh did mention how the PP ranks allied themselves with the brutal enemies of democracy [yet again, and again].

Tecumseh said...

Le Pew is contorting himself in knots with his pseudo-logic. I thought we're talking about "secret prisons" in the U.S. of A., no? Now we established that that's not it, but "secret prisons" purportedly elsewhere. But how does this putative objects affect habeas corpus, or whatever, here in the US? I'm lost, Pepe -- pray help me understand the pinko mind.

Pepe le Pew said...

The secret prisons are in Eastern Europe. But they are secret so those might be the emerged part of the iceberg.
Habeas corpus is another concept trampled by the former administration that is going to be revived.
You are right: it is a different thing from secret prisons. Man you are sharp.

Tecumseh said...

Thank you, Pepe, glad to be of some help clearing up your ever muddled thinking. Now, where exactly in Eastern Europe are you alleging there are "secret prisons"? Is this your typical pinko urban legend, or do you have some evidence?

You know, I've been to Eastern Europe, in the days it was run by Commies, with fellow travelers like you ululating and cheering them on, while they ran vast networks of real prisons and concentration camps, with real people dying there -- no bs like your leftie fantasies. Never, ever heard a pinko worrying about that, though. Which pretty much defines the type.

Pepe le Pew said...

What rock have you been under in the last few years ?
Here's a reference. The admin denied it, then admitted it incidentally.

Tecumseh said...

This is no evidence, just rumors. What Eastern European country are we talking about, Pepe? Ya know, that's a big area, with many little pesky countries that you probably haven't even heard about. Wake me up when you have something concrete, not simply your usual pinko urban legends.