Saturday, February 28, 2009
The Age of Heroes

Steyn in form, really nails down the fate of FCP under Da One Obamakles. It's almost as if he's plagiarizing our riffs:
There is Rot, well, rotting: "If you’re feeling a sudden urge to “invest” in a gallon of tequila and a couple of hookers and wake up with an almighty hangover and no pants in a rusting dumpster on a bit of abandoned scrub round the back of the freight yards"
There is Le Pew, well, being Aristo French and fleeing: "Wall Street Journal calculated that if you took every single dime — that’s 100 per cent — of the over-250K crowd, it barely begins to pay for this program, even before half of them flee the the country."
There is PPSoc sketched precisely: "But it doesn’t matter. Because Big Government is the ultimate hero, and the private sector is merely a supporting role. Last week, the president redefined the relationship between the citizen and the state, in ways that make America closer to Europe. If you’ve still got the Webster’s to hand, “closer to Europe” is a sociopolitical colloquialism meaning “much worse.”
There are Tecs and AA, Realitymongers, and their escape plans, oh too accurately pinpointed: "Is the new all-powerful Statezilla vulnerable to anything? Unfortunately, yes. He loses all his superpowers when he comes into contact with something called Reality. But happily, Reality is nowhere in sight. There are believed to be some small surviving shards somewhere on the planet — maybe on an uninhabited atoll somewhere in the Pacific — "
There is MFT, the Dakotan, Exile, being disabused of his childish notions of studying History, or penetrating into the skein of human thought and civilizations. After a stint at Reeducation Camp Room 101 he will, one day, be reborn: “Gee, thanks, Governmentuan!” says Diplomaboy the Boy Wonder, as he goes off to college to study Gender As A Social Construct until he’s 34."
In this Age of Heroes we run, or we fight, or we learn to Love Big Government. The "Do Berkeleyites dream of Soviet Sheep" label no longer applies. The sheep are here, and the red shepherds are hunting for us coyotes.
Our Rosy Economic Obamaklean Future

"The historical background is provided by an analysis of the early experience of the Soviet Union and a critical review of the conceptual debate of the 1930s. Subsequent chapters study central planning in the light of the theory of allocation mechanisms, examining information and incentive issues as well as organisational structure. Finally there is a consideration of the macroeconomics of the centralised economy, beginning with an analysis of central planning and shortage and the problems of internal and external balance; passing on to issues of innovation, investment and growth. In many countries, especially those in Eastern Europe and theSoviet Union, central planning has been the predominant redource allocation mechanism in the postwar period. This book examines the nature and the mode of operation of the centrally planned economy and assesses its strengths and weaknesses."
Moonlighting on PP is one Sick Party
Is this the "What's the Frequency, Kenneth" Dan Rather was referring to?
Friday, February 27, 2009
Beantown judges
Merrigan, a [Pepean] Democrat, quickly pounced on the statement. “You said something here that concerned me . . . about whenever possible to maximize protection. What does that mean?” Merrigan said. “Are you going to be presumptively in favor of protecting the public?” Perish the thought! The first priority, on Planet Pepe, is to let everyone outta jail. And into Pepe's backyard.
From Henry to Henri
Sounds like this laser-like, soak-the-rich scheme is especially designed for Pepe. But hey, it's only poetic justice. Nevertheless, he will ululate, for this is the pinko nirvana he's been waiting for.
Brazilian BBQ
At the Old Station Steakhouse, for example, the emphasis is on the Brazilian cuisine, but the founders have made a conscious effort to keep the signage in English and Portuguese and offer a buffet with a variety of American comfort food options. "And actually, a lot of the time, when the Americans come in and see the Brazilian barbeque, they end up liking it better," he [Early Barbosa] laughs. OK, I'm game. Does Barbosa know how to cook berbec?
Like A Clockwork, a taste of Orange
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Friends of Pepe Do The SyrSoc Hop on Hitchen's Arse
The financial geniuses from Harvard, take II
At Merrill Lynch, two Harvard MBAs in succession, Stan O'Neal and John Thain, oversaw the fall of a firm once known and feared as the Thundering Herd. Andy Hornby, who was on deck for the HBOS's near-collapse, is a Harvard Business School alumnus. General Motors' CEO Rick Wagoner is another. Up until last month, President George W Bush, Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson and the Securities Exchange Commission chairman, Christopher Cox, formed an embarrassing Harvard Business School trinity of financial ruin.
Harvard rulz!
How come this supposedly brilliant elite, trained in management, risk and reward, have so devastated the economy? Part of the reason is that the MBA does not actually train anyone to do anything. You learn something about all the various business functions. You become more confident in meetings where people yammer on about ROIs and Monte Carlo analyses.
It's all AA's fault!!
Harvard rulz!
How come this supposedly brilliant elite, trained in management, risk and reward, have so devastated the economy? Part of the reason is that the MBA does not actually train anyone to do anything. You learn something about all the various business functions. You become more confident in meetings where people yammer on about ROIs and Monte Carlo analyses.
It's all AA's fault!!
So they took a pic of Pepe
Big deal. What's wrong with that? (Except that, they shouldn't use cell phones. Or, disturb the gerbil. Tsk, tsk, tsk.)
Is John Derbyshire the anti-FCP?
Does FCP "know how to speak to that vast segment of the American middle class that lives sensibly—indeed, conservatively—wishes to be thought generous and good, finds everyday politics boring, and has a horror of strong opinions?"
Planet Pepe's braingina already sick of Pres Tupac
"Frankly,” she says, “there was a huge amount of intellectual dishonesty in the election campaign and it's weird that some people are still wearing T-shirts with a picture of the most powerful man in the world on them. They have to get over their crush and treat him for what he is - head of the largest military and economy in the world. In Italy, students are brandishing the slogan ‘We won't pay for the crisis' and that's the kind of dynamic that will lead to real change. In the US, the love for Obama is a real liability.”
Half right.
Half right.
Retarding to Mecca

Planet Neandertalis is Shiny and Shinier.
"to revive an old device that availed me nought at the British Columbia show trial, "of course" not all Arabs are violent retards, but Arab culture is certainly both violent and retarded. It's politically retarded, intellectually retarded, scientifically retarded, judicially retarded, economically retarded, retarded on almost every objective measurement, from women's rights to free speech. The famous statistic from the United Nations' Arab Human Development Index (2003) - that more books are translated into Spanish in an average year than have been translated into Arabic in the last millennium - is itself a good working definition of "retarded", of a culture that recoils from inquiry and curiosity about the other. "
allaho akhbar,
Aristos Fuck It All Up,
The IQ-Nots
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
The phrase “war on terror,” a hallmark of President George W. Bush’s White House, is rarely used in the Obama administration, but Panetta that “there’s no question this is a war.”
A campaign of lies by any other name never smelled so sweet.
A campaign of lies by any other name never smelled so sweet.
Going to Canossa
While Pepe's buddies are climbing the parapets, and an elder statesman of Pepea outlines the standard pinko response: abject surrender. Surprise, surprise.
The French solution
The economy tanks? Go on strike (or burn cars). A no-brainer. It's gaining traction.
To venerable and back
From reactionary to venerable and now how long before back to segregationist klansman?
Thomas Hunt Morgan

That captain of steel and railroad industry Carnegie (we hear the trains running across his BNSF track on the northern Plains) was good to establish his philanthropist institution in Washington. Here's a bit on the Thomas Morgan fellow who, with the help of a Carnegie grant, did some genetic work with fruit flies.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Sheep’s head jelly
Singed sheep heads split in two are often eaten boiled with potatoes and turnips or alongside slátur, blood and liver pudding. However, some dislike facing the sheep they are dining on and prefer sheep’s head jelly, which is surprisingly tasty. Can't wait to try it. Anyone game for it?
Monday, February 23, 2009
FCP infantilising the brain?

'We know how small babies need constant reassurance that they exist. My fear is that these technologies are infantilising the brain into the state of small children who are attracted by buzzing noises and bright lights, who have a small attention span and who live for the moment.'
BART attack
"I'm angry at both of them," he said of the robbery victim and Veliz. "They took my son away from me. He was a hard-working kid. My son is dead. I want somebody to pay for this." Like, duhhh.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
For sale?
AA could you explain the symbolism here? She's awful, but I am so hard up, she's distracting anyway.
Dowd got the blues
“Not surprisingly, people are wary of some very expensive proposals with no guarantee of success or even a high probability of how well they’ll work.” You don't say. Mr. Obama’s egghead manner has failed to soothe a nation with the jits. Nahh -- you sure? Pepe is in hog heaven. So we're doin' great. He has not explained in a compelling way why Americans who followed the rules need to sacrifice more to help those who flouted the rules. All we need is better PR. Then this self-evident truth will simply sell itself.
In the middle of all the Heimlich maneuvers required now, we don’t need a Jackson/Sharpton-style lecture on race. Coward.
In the middle of all the Heimlich maneuvers required now, we don’t need a Jackson/Sharpton-style lecture on race. Coward.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Obfuscating through platitudinous exposition
.. the Pepe jabberwocky special, raised to an art form. Will it work? Hmmm...
Cell-phone hell

"I have no patience with the Luddite approach that says people don't want to use their mobile phones in-flight. You don't take a flight to contemplate your life in silence. Our services are not cathedral-like sanctuaries. Anyone who looks like sleeping, we wake them up to sell them things. We will be encouraging our passengers to make as many calls as possible because that will lower our costs and boost our revenues." Damn you, Michael O'Leary. Go rot in Hell, you babbling fool, you. I really need to go to Pitcairn now. But not on Ryanair.
Pepe's poster boy
Zubaydah, Padilla, and Mohamed allegedly discussed the feasibility of the "dirty bomb plot." But Zubaydah moved on to the possibility of "blowing up gas tankers and spraying people with cyanide in nightclubs." Mohamed was an active participant in the plotting. He proposed "the idea of attacking subway trains in the United States." But al Qaeda's military chief, Saif al Adel, and the purported 9/11 mastermind, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed (KSM), had a different idea. Al Adel and KSM allegedly told Binyam that he and Padilla would target "high-rise apartment buildings that utilized natural gas for its heat and also targeting gas stations." Day at the office on Planet Pepe.
Friday, February 20, 2009
Darwinism at work
don't miss the guy on the right in the last two seconds of the clip.
In tec-speak: stooooopid.
In tec-speak: stooooopid.
Hotel California
California could soon mark another first -- state bankruptcy. In anticipation, Standard & Poor's this month downgraded its bond rating a notch below Louisiana's. In the last three decades, California expanded the public sector and regulation to Europe-like dimensions. Schools, state employees, health care, even dog kennels, benefited from largesse in flush times. Government workers got 16 official holidays, everyone else six. The state dabbled with universal health care and adopted strict environmental standards. In short, California went where our new president and Nancy Pelosi of San Francisco want America to go.
Pink champagne on ice. We are all French now!
Pink champagne on ice. We are all French now!
First Iceland, now Latvia
Another country implodes, as a result of this madoffed economy. Who's on second? What's next?
No biofuels for Pepe
Planet Gore-Pepe conflicted: An Islamic scholar in Saudi Arabia said using ethanol or other alcohol-derived fuels in vehicles may be a sin for Muslims. Najimi said Muslims who use biofuel, which is made from fermented plants, in their cars are violating the ban since the substance "is basically made up of alcohol."
The deal was dismissed by the British government and Iran's nuclear enrichment restarted shortly after.
President Obama's promise to "extend a hand" if Iran "unclenches its fist" may not be enough to break the logjam.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Spreading the wealth
Obama’s massive mortgage-bailout plan is nothing more than a thinly disguised entitlement program that redistributes income from the responsible 92 percent of home-owning mortgage holders who pay their bills on time to the irresponsible defaulters who bought more than they could ever afford. In other words, robbing Peter to pay Paul. The very definition of Socialism.
If the government really wants to help, instead of bailing out irresponsible mortgage holders, it should support new and younger families who want to buy starter homes and begin to climb the ladder of prosperity. Nahhh. No hopey changey unless you're on the pinko gravy train.
If the government really wants to help, instead of bailing out irresponsible mortgage holders, it should support new and younger families who want to buy starter homes and begin to climb the ladder of prosperity. Nahhh. No hopey changey unless you're on the pinko gravy train.
Joys of Pepean education, part XVIII
Nearly two-thirds of the students surveyed said that if they explained to a professor that they were trying hard, that should be taken into account in their grade. Sure thing. “I think putting in a lot of effort should merit a high grade,” Mr. Greenwood said. “What else is there really than the effort that you put in?” Damn right. Let Pepe teach!
VDH provides a synopsis of Obama's first decade in office

And 123. And as a lagniappe, a little bit of Putin here and here in the US of A. New reversing even the good that Bill Clinton did. Ceding the last frontier.
Yemen disseminates freedom-fighters (I don't think it's permitted to call them terrorists anymore because of the fairness doctrine).
AA's shouts.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Perils of cell phones, Part DCCXVII
See what happens when you jabber too much on the brain-fryer? You lose your head...
Mr Rot at the wheel
A three-point turn that became a nine-point turn: yep, that's how it goes. I can picture it.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Monday, February 16, 2009
Your typical academic
It was not the first time, nor was it to be the last, that Bruno's controversial views coupled with his abrasive sarcasm lost him the support of his friends. In October 1585, after the French embassy in London was attacked by a mob, he returned to Paris, finding a tense political situation. His 120 theses against Aristotelian natural science and his pamphlets against the mathematician Fabrizio Mordente soon put him in ill favor. In 1586, following a violent quarrel about Mordente's invention, "the differential compass," he left France for Germany.
In Germany he failed to obtain a teaching position at Marburg, but was granted permission to teach at Wittenberg, where he lectured on Aristotle for two years. However, with a change of intellectual climate there, he was no longer welcome, and went in 1588 to Prague, where he obtained 300 taler from Rudolf II, but no teaching position. He went on to serve briefly as a professor in Helmstedt, but had to flee again when he was excommunicated by the Lutherans. In 1591, he received an invitation to Venice, and also heard of a vacant chair in mathematics at the University of Padua. Apparently believing that the Inquisition might have lost some of its impetus, he returned to Italy.
He went first to Padua, where he taught briefly, and applied unsuccessfully for the chair of mathematics, which was assigned instead to Galileo Galilei one year later. Bruno accepted Mocenigo's invitation and moved to Venice in March 1592. When Bruno announced his plan to leave Venice to his host, the latter, who was unhappy with the teachings he had received and had apparently developed a personal rancour towards Bruno, denounced him to the Venetian Inquisition, which had Bruno arrested on May 22, 1592. On February 17, 1600 in the Campo de' Fiori, a central Roman market square, "his tongue imprisoned because of his wicked words" he was burned at the stake.
In Germany he failed to obtain a teaching position at Marburg, but was granted permission to teach at Wittenberg, where he lectured on Aristotle for two years. However, with a change of intellectual climate there, he was no longer welcome, and went in 1588 to Prague, where he obtained 300 taler from Rudolf II, but no teaching position. He went on to serve briefly as a professor in Helmstedt, but had to flee again when he was excommunicated by the Lutherans. In 1591, he received an invitation to Venice, and also heard of a vacant chair in mathematics at the University of Padua. Apparently believing that the Inquisition might have lost some of its impetus, he returned to Italy.
He went first to Padua, where he taught briefly, and applied unsuccessfully for the chair of mathematics, which was assigned instead to Galileo Galilei one year later. Bruno accepted Mocenigo's invitation and moved to Venice in March 1592. When Bruno announced his plan to leave Venice to his host, the latter, who was unhappy with the teachings he had received and had apparently developed a personal rancour towards Bruno, denounced him to the Venetian Inquisition, which had Bruno arrested on May 22, 1592. On February 17, 1600 in the Campo de' Fiori, a central Roman market square, "his tongue imprisoned because of his wicked words" he was burned at the stake.
Continuing Charlie Wilson's War
I finally got around to viewing Charlie Wilson's War the other evening. Good flick, especially the ending where a power vacuum is created in Afghanistan after the U.S. brought hell to the Russians, and after both sides just left it to the religious fanatics.
Mother Russia,
Religion and Darwin
Russian and U.S. satellites smashing into one another hundreds of miles above earth and British and French subs bouncing off each other hundreds of yards below sea level. Now some bright streak shoots across Mr. Rot Arseman's Texas backyard? We should put Palin on the case, maybe we could get some kind of GUT out of her, no?
Name of the Holy Prophet Command
Planet Pepe getting ready to confront the Great and the Lesser Satan? Some operational details here and here. Now, I know Debka is not a very reliable source, but here they say that prime minister Vladimir Putin in his previous role as Russian president personally assured the US and Israeli governments more than once that he would never release the lethal S-300 missiles to Iran. Their acquisition would make an air attack on Iran's nuclear facilities extremely difficult and dangerous. Washington sources believe that the Kremlin is about to comply with Iran's request in order to turn the heat on the Obama administration for a final decision to waive plans to install an American missile shield in East Europe. Hmmm... Putin is playing hardball -- surprise, surprise. How's that bended knee going, Pepe?
Sunday, February 15, 2009
The Big Dig, redux
Obama has signed an executive order encouraging the exact kind of project-labor agreements that were the basis of contracts awarded for the Big Dig. So infrastructure projects in the stimulus are likely to reward the kinds of characters who mooched off the Big Dig for so many years, including Bechtel/Parsons Brinckerhoff, the negligent project managers who settled with the Commonwealth out of court for shoddy work, and Powers Fasteners, who were found liable for the accidental death of a woman driving through a tunnel when a roof tile fell down. We'd like to believe that no money ever found its way into the hands of mobsters like Carmen "the Cheeseman" DiNunzio... Yeah, sure. But this is a good way to entice Whitey Bulger to come back to Beantown.
Homofruits pitchfork and torch Palin again
But Tecs is ok with all of this. Hey, let the boys play like Ivan the Terrible used to do with the gentry.
When AA misses his flight
Hell hath no fury as AA scorned by AA.
Coanda weeps,
Shittin' 'n not Gittin'
The end is nigh

Over here Ed Balls tells us, more or less, that this is the worst recession since dinosaurs roamed the primordial swamps. Meanwhile President Barack Obama declared last week that “if we don’t act immediately, our nation will sink into a crisis that at some point we may be unable to reverse”. As The Economist commented, with some alarm: “The notion that [America] might never recover was previously entertained only by bearded survivalists stockpiling beans and ammunition in remote log cabins.” Hope. Change. Hope.
Propeller-driven planes suck
Even a small amount of ice buildup can significantly decrease the lift force and increase the drag of an aircraft. And the wings of turboprop planes are far more likely to encounter icing problems than jets are, for two reasons. Turboprops fly at a slower speed, making it easier for ice to accumulate. In addition, turboprops spend a much larger percentage of time in those altitudes where icing is likely to occur. Turboprop planes are equipped with pneumatic deicing boots, “a technology invented in the 1930s which has not changed much since.” The heated wing technology that jets use is much more effective in controlling ice.
This is not rocket science: turboprops should be simply banned from flying in Winter, at least where it's cold. Use them in Texas or somewhere if you must, but not in the Northeast.
This is not rocket science: turboprops should be simply banned from flying in Winter, at least where it's cold. Use them in Texas or somewhere if you must, but not in the Northeast.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Useless muslims

20 years and they still haven't managed to get us rid of this annoying pencil pusher. How I miss the efficiency of Carlos and the Red Brigades. [Add a pic from here. Seethe, Pepe & Rot, seethe! -- Tecs]
North by Northwest.
You don't say?

Note how this t-shirt design relates to that Buffalo television guy who chopped off his ex-wife's head. And didn't god order Abraham to gut his own son on that rock? Wow. Neat. Isn't that spectacular.
What a Surprise: Vichy Does what Vichy Is
"Muslims need to become free of totalitarian Islam and the least the West can do in support is not concede an inch of its own hard-won freedom in quest of false peace with Islamists."
"Nah", says Pepe "Concede away, bucko!". The False, after all, is an Aristo specialty.
"Nah", says Pepe "Concede away, bucko!". The False, after all, is an Aristo specialty.
Dead men walking

The awful truth is that the financial system has at least another $1 trillion hole in it. Either the U.S. government has to continue to try to patch it over with massive—and perhaps ever-escalating—injections of money, or it has to take the painful, risky step of letting some of the big, irreparably wounded financial players go down.
Neither choice is appealing, which is why Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner trotted out his muddle-through, we’ll-get-back-to-you-on-details rescue plan. Obama shows no appetite for grasping the nettle of a problem much more difficult technically and politically than asking Congress to shovel billions of dollars at its favorite priorities in a stimulus bill.
You don't say!
Friday, February 13, 2009
Seethe AA! Seethe!
Your fruit-display is coming back to LA. So, does this mean you're switching coasts again to follow him/her?
Steyn Meets Pepe Da Canucka: Fire in the Hole!
Mr. David Zimmer: Mr. Steyn, there was a well-known, indeed famous, American jurist, Oliver Wendell Holmes, who made a statement in which he expressed his view of the limit on free speech in a case in the 1930s, and I'm wondering if you agree or disagree with this statement. He said that nobody is free to yell "Fire" in a crowded movie theatre.
Mr. Mark Steyn: It wasn't the 1930s; it was 1919 that Oliver Wendell Holmes made that statement. It's interesting, that case. He was an American-
Mr. David Zimmer: I know, but do you agree with that statement or not?
Mr. Mark Steyn: Let me say this for a start: He was upholding espionage charges against an anti-war protester. So by his measure, thousands of Canadian liberals would have been rounded up for protesting the war in Afghanistan.
Mr. David Zimmer: But don't duck the question.
Mr. Mark Steyn: I'm not ducking the question...
Mr. David Zimmer: No, no, but then answer the statement.
Mr. Mark Steyn: Because Oliver-
The Chair (Mrs. Julia Munro): Excuse me. Could I just have one speaker at a time?
Mr. Mark Steyn: Oliver Wendell Holmes said that the most stringent protection of free speech would not protect a man in falsely-falsely-shouting "Fire" in a theatre. The problem with the Human Rights Tribunal is that falsely shouting "Fire" is not at issue. It doesn't matter whether the theatre actually is on fire, because under the Human Rights Tribunal, truth is not a defence.
In my own particular case, no one has ever pointed to a single fact in the Maclean's article, an excerpt from my book, that is inaccurate. So essentially-
Mr. David Zimmer: But back to Holmes's statement, is that a fair limitation on freedom of speech: You can't yell " Fire" in a movie theatre, just as a general proposition?
Mr. Mark Steyn: As I've tried to answer you, I think if the theatre is on fire, you're certainly entitled to point that out. By the way, that, as a metaphor, is simply a ludicrous metaphor. He was talking about gaslight, 19th century theatres. By 1919, the Winter Garden on Broadway... was an electrified theatre, and it wasn't in danger of burning down. The metaphor is lazy and irrelevant
Mr. Mark Steyn: It wasn't the 1930s; it was 1919 that Oliver Wendell Holmes made that statement. It's interesting, that case. He was an American-
Mr. David Zimmer: I know, but do you agree with that statement or not?
Mr. Mark Steyn: Let me say this for a start: He was upholding espionage charges against an anti-war protester. So by his measure, thousands of Canadian liberals would have been rounded up for protesting the war in Afghanistan.
Mr. David Zimmer: But don't duck the question.
Mr. Mark Steyn: I'm not ducking the question...
Mr. David Zimmer: No, no, but then answer the statement.
Mr. Mark Steyn: Because Oliver-
The Chair (Mrs. Julia Munro): Excuse me. Could I just have one speaker at a time?
Mr. Mark Steyn: Oliver Wendell Holmes said that the most stringent protection of free speech would not protect a man in falsely-falsely-shouting "Fire" in a theatre. The problem with the Human Rights Tribunal is that falsely shouting "Fire" is not at issue. It doesn't matter whether the theatre actually is on fire, because under the Human Rights Tribunal, truth is not a defence.
In my own particular case, no one has ever pointed to a single fact in the Maclean's article, an excerpt from my book, that is inaccurate. So essentially-
Mr. David Zimmer: But back to Holmes's statement, is that a fair limitation on freedom of speech: You can't yell " Fire" in a movie theatre, just as a general proposition?
Mr. Mark Steyn: As I've tried to answer you, I think if the theatre is on fire, you're certainly entitled to point that out. By the way, that, as a metaphor, is simply a ludicrous metaphor. He was talking about gaslight, 19th century theatres. By 1919, the Winter Garden on Broadway... was an electrified theatre, and it wasn't in danger of burning down. The metaphor is lazy and irrelevant
Bombardier bombs
I hate these pre-Coanda turboprops: I always try to avoid them, as much as possible. Mr Rot -- didn't you take the bus from LaGuardia some time ago, so as not to have to return on one of these contraptions?
Coanda weeps,
Grins the Grim Reaper,
shit happens
OK, so dinner wasn't great, but...
Muzzammil Hassan is the founder and chief executive officer of Bridges TV, which he launched in 2004, amid hopes that it would help portray Muslims in a more positive light.
The jokes write themselves.
The jokes write themselves.
Pepe on crack
He suggested a different kind of "recovery" that would not include RV's roaring out of Elkhart, but a "wiser way of life" that recalls the "experience of addiction." Capitalism's beneficiaries, like drug addicts, first must address the root cause of their avaricious consumerism: "unresolved pain or anger, the need to anesthetize painful emotions, lack of creativity in finding ways to feel happy and alive, unaddressed relational and spiritual deficits, [and] lack of self-awareness."
Another addiction is the "hallucinogenic stimulant of fear," which [conservative] religious and political leaders foment for dollars and votes. The targets are predictable: "By making straights afraid of gays, conservatives afraid of progressives, Christians and Jews afraid of Muslims, citizens afraid of immigrants, and vice versa, these leaders get a quick organizational high -- crack for their unity and morale."
Another addiction is the "hallucinogenic stimulant of fear," which [conservative] religious and political leaders foment for dollars and votes. The targets are predictable: "By making straights afraid of gays, conservatives afraid of progressives, Christians and Jews afraid of Muslims, citizens afraid of immigrants, and vice versa, these leaders get a quick organizational high -- crack for their unity and morale."
Thursday, February 12, 2009
$37,500 for a nude pic of a ho?
Must have been Pepe buying.
Buy Pepe buy,
Cosmic Idiocy,
gringas putas,
Catholic stuff at a Catholic school?
Mais ce n'est pas possible! Pinkos see red. Easy, Pepe, easy. You'll bust something.
Big Feast from "Big Night"
"This is so fucking good I should kill you." Wait till about 3:51 in this short.
I screwed up again.
And again.

And 123. And as a lagniappe, a little bit of Putin here and here in the US of A. New reversing even the good that Bill Clinton did. Ceding the last frontier.
Yemen disseminates freedom-fighters (I don't think it's permitted to call them terrorists anymore because of the fairness doctrine).
AA's shouts.

And 123. And as a lagniappe, a little bit of Putin here and here in the US of A. New reversing even the good that Bill Clinton did. Ceding the last frontier.
Yemen disseminates freedom-fighters (I don't think it's permitted to call them terrorists anymore because of the fairness doctrine).
AA's shouts.
These assholes still at it?
The US president has just four years to save the planet, said Prof McCarthy. Update: Bushfires all Bush's fault!
They even look like Democrat broads
Is there some Drew Gilpin Faust School of Beauty or what? Roveumseh has it right.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Go Netanyahu!
Some Obamananian cunt: The hope is that there is a government that is really committed to peace with the Palestinians.
It was only a matter of time.
As our Nation descends into an era of continuous Saturnalia, the lesbs and Husseins take over. I predict giant rocks falling out of the sky any time now.
Customized erotic novel
they do same-sex novels too, but it's unclear whether they will they accommodate aa and his gerbils.
Russian humor really is the best
In his inaugural speech, Obama told aggressive authoritarian regimes that the U.S. will offer a hand of friendship "if you unclench your fist." Speaking on the independent Russian radio station Ekho Moskvy, political commentator Leonid Radzikhovsky observed that there are many ways to unclench a fist - one of them involving the middle finger.
Kangaroo Kansas Recap: Are FCP'ers Going to Comment on This?...
Note how evolution isn't strictly some Political Liberal/Leftist plot to take over the world. The Kansas Republican Party is doing a MASSIVE diservice to the children that are being educated throughout the state system, enough so that I'd pull my kids from the classroom to ensure they can read Darwin's "Descent of Man" and "On the Origins of Species" good and proper.
The real problem stems from those chest-beaters who say their faith is so strong, yet need to re-chant week after week their creeds, and feel discomfort when around Infidels like myself -- you know, because their faith is so strong. Faith is called faith because one doesn't have to have a literal interpretation of the Bible or Quran or the Flying Spaghetti Monster to believe it. Yet the Literalists are going to continue plunging humanity further and further into depths of shit and misery unless they themselves make this distinction.
The real problem stems from those chest-beaters who say their faith is so strong, yet need to re-chant week after week their creeds, and feel discomfort when around Infidels like myself -- you know, because their faith is so strong. Faith is called faith because one doesn't have to have a literal interpretation of the Bible or Quran or the Flying Spaghetti Monster to believe it. Yet the Literalists are going to continue plunging humanity further and further into depths of shit and misery unless they themselves make this distinction.
Darwin alert,
Religion and Darwin
Texas getting ready to join Planet Pepe
Aguado wants to promote legislation to teach students about human sexual intercourse, abstinence, contraception, reproductive health, emotional relations and other topics related to sexual behavior. That's what students should be studying, instead of wasting time with dwm stuff.
A great job
A well-placed source describes Mr Biden, exasperated at not getting "straight answers" on drugs and corruption, launching into a verbal tirade and storming out of the meeting. In a country where honour and decorum are second only to God and country, this was less than tactful.
Get your wallets out!
Pepe's buddies in the projects need more crack, and we're gonna buy it for them.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Pepean masters of the universe
"The good news is they are going to spend a trillion dollars, the bad news is they don't know how. They built this up as being a panacea. There was so much hope pinned on them to do a good job. The expectations have been so high. It's hard to live up to." You don't say.
Monday, February 09, 2009
Pepean health care
A year ago, Daschle wrote that the next president should act quickly before critics mount an opposition. “If that means attaching a health-care plan to the federal budget, so be it,” he said. “The issue is too important to be stalled by Senate protocol.” Pinko nirvana, at last!
Betcha Yer Life On It.
Someone's happy
"We now have not simply a friend, but a people's advocate in the White House," declared Webb. You don't say.
Sunday, February 08, 2009
Sex and The NEP Succinctly Explained
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