Wednesday, March 18, 2009

And the bomb drops

Methinks he doth protest too much. How about autohypovehiculation? Tecs' guy Kerry screwtinized... GUT.


Tecumseh said...

Now that the Wall street Journal has revealed that A.I.G. paid bonuses of $1 million or more to 73 employees, it's time to ask if recipients of A.I.G. "bonuses," including President Obama, will give what now ought to be taxpayer money back?

You can wait till hell freezes over to see that money back. Or for Pepe (or any other such cookie-cutter pinko) to express any sort of embarrassment.

Mr roT said...

If this story is true, it's a major bomb.

Drudge carrying it is the new gold standard. We'll see how it plays. Lat night on HuffPo there was some serious rationalizing from the pinkos.