Thursday, March 19, 2009

Death of a hillbilly

Another glorious victory for civilization, humanity, and the Pepe way of life.


Pepe le Pew said...

is this even worthy of a post tec (You were worried about wasting elections a while back).

Pepe le Pew said...

electrons that is

Mr roT said...

I think this was an interesting post. I just don't think it was carbon monoxide that killed the guy. Probably some of his sour mash.

But I digress. Pepe, how come it's such a tragedy for dumb people to die of AIDS but it's not worth a post when the government hounds a man to his suicide to enforce a Judaeo-Christian dumbshit law about booze?

Victim's color wrong?

Tecumseh said...

I think it's cause for mourning. I feel for those bitter clingers in Appalachia. Why not let the old man in peace do whatever he likes (making hooch if he wants to drink it, why not?) instead of hounding him to death?

And Mr Rot, read again your catechism. I don't think you'll find in Church doctrine that a man should be hounded to death for making booze. Can you point to chapter and verse in the Bible where you'd find such a statement? To me, it sounds much more like the commie totalitarian impulse to deny a man his freedom, and impose the will of the State, no matter what.

Mr roT said...

You're right, strictly speaking, Tecs, but it was the Christians that got us Prohibition here in the US, and no one else.

The Catholics were opposed and sought exemptions, but the American fundamentalists were the big movers here.

It would be interesting to know the etiology of this abstemiousness beyond the caricatures that amount to a school education on the topic.

I guess the Puritans were anti booze...?

Mr roT said...

Interesting from 1951.

I think a lot has changed since that letter was written, but he's still right that Italy doesn't have real alcoholism like the UK and we do. I think it's because they're pussies though.

Mr roT said...

Reading a bit, the Puritans were not to blame (much as I would like to pin everything on Harvard).

Apparently it was women. Duh.

Pepe le Pew said...

how come it's such a tragedy for dumb people to die of AIDS but it's not worth a post when the government hounds a man to his suicide to enforce a Judaeo-Christian dumbshit law about booze?

Scale: the govt doesn't hound millions to commit suicide.

Mr roT said...

OK, scale, but proximity and us-ness matters too. A million Africans dying because they're dumbasses is different than my neighbor being fucked over by the government I pay for with my tax money.

My Frontier Thesis said...

62 is about 3x the average hillbilly life span, no?

Rot's correct about prohibition: specifically the Women's Christian Temperance Movement gaining momentum in the late-19th century.

There are plenty of folks who would proclaim themselves Christian today and shun, mock and deride the literal way the historical Jesus lived his life: often in the company of whores and gamblers — go where there are sinners. Metaphysics aside, J.C. seemed like a laid back dude. His followers tend to be wound a bit too hard, though. I'd make fun of J.C. for looking like a goddamn hippie, mostly for agnostic reasons, and then I'd buy him some beers.