Tuesday, March 24, 2009

From Bullets to Water

The threat of flooding from the rising Red River has city officials considering everything to protect the city — even a portable wall system that shielded troops in Iraq and Afghanistan from bullets.

An item that defends American soldiers from bullets, and American civilians from flood? We'll have to see with the latter. Hope it all works out as planned, though.


My Frontier Thesis said...

Hesco Bastion's website, the company that makes these quick-deploy retaining walls. They're based out of Leeds in the UK. The website itself has some interesting pics to demonstrate how they've used this device in civilian, humanitarian and military settings.

My Frontier Thesis said...

The Red River of the North Dakota sloping all over the valley update.

My Frontier Thesis said...

And on the Bismarck-Mandan upper Missouri River front. (Note: Fox Island is immediately south of Bismarck.)

Tecumseh said...

Stay dry, MFT. Try to move to the high ground. Is there any high ground in those God-forsaken steppes?

My Frontier Thesis said...

Yeah, there's high ground, that which I'm on. The city of Bismarck itself is topographically split by an east-west running ridge (the railroad that runs through town has historically always straddled the crest of this ridge), and everything south of the ridge is arguably in jeopardy. Now there's talk about bringing in the Army Corps of Engineers and either salting or blasting the ice jamming up the Missouri River. Quite a few friends are having to abandon their homes and make for high ground. A couple were over last evening.

Here's how it played out. Supposedly more snow is on the way.