Thursday, March 19, 2009

Joys of socialized medicine

Nice actress, but kind of stoopid to fall like that, on a beginner's slope. If this had happened in the US, she probably woulda have been taken to a hospital for a cat-scan, and doctors would have fixed her up -- no problemo. But in Pinkoland, things happen more slowly, so there you go. That's the model Pepe wants us to follow.


Pepe le Pew said...

she died in ny.
i love the notion that, had she been in the greatest country of all, she woulda been fine. you just know it! the monkey in front of his banana.

Tecumseh said...

Pepe, Pepe, obviously you don't read the news -- or, if you read them, the details of the story don't percolate to the part of your body that prevents rainwater from getting into your neck.

FYI, poor Natasha Richardson was already brain-dead when she got to NYC (which is not the same as "ny", though I know you can't tell the difference). The reason she became brain dead is that those socialized-medicine geniuses from Canuckia sat on their keisters instead of treating her immediately. But I don't expect you to understand such details. Too many words, too few neurons to process them.

Mr roT said...

Tecs, where was it that the ambulances didn't accept her?

Mr roT said...

Questions also arose about why the first ambulance called to the ski resort was turned away.
Yves Coderre, director of operations at the emergency services company that sent paramedics to the Mont Tremblant resort, told The Globe and Mail newspaper Wednesday that the paramedics were told they were not needed.
"They never saw the patient," Coderre said. "So they turned around."
Coderre said another ambulance was called later to Richardson's luxury hotel. By that point, her condition had worsened, and she was rushed to a hospital.

The story is changing. It had been that she was refused treatment, not that she refused treatment.

Tecumseh said...

When your head is banged up, you don't think straight. They should have taken her to the hospital even if she didn't want to. But even when she got to the Canuck hospital, it took a couple of hours before a real doctor looked at her (at least, that's the story I read somewhere), by which time it was too late. (With head injuries, as with heart attacks, time is of the essence.)

At any rate, look, perhaps I'm being (slightly) unfair to the Canadians. But it looks to me they didn't react fast enough -- and, it's much easier to fix such a brain injury (just make a little puncture and drain some blood -- no rocket science) than fix a heart attack. All you need is some brains.

Mr roT said...

She refused treatment, Bloomberg reported 17 Mar. Can't blame the Canadians for that unless they didn't explain the dangers to her.

How about the Pali angle, though. She's Vanessa (Hamas) Redgrave's daughter.

Tecumseh said...

Reading is essential, Mr Rot. Just read again what I wrote. Yes, Mom is Red Vanessa, and Pop was Tony Richardson, who, you may recall, was bisexual, but he never acknowledged it publicly until after he acquired AIDS. He died of complications from AIDS at age 63 in 1991. Your typical pinko-aristo family. But that's no reason to die so stupidly at 45. Life is a bitch.

Pepe le Pew said...

tec - why single out the socialized aspect of medicine as the culprit in the outcome of this story ? there are many variables (you do understand what a "variable" is, don't you ?)

Tecumseh said...

Something that varies?