Wednesday, March 25, 2009

just an update

There are two massive ice jams, one just north and one just south of Bismarck-Mandan, blocking up the Missouri River (ultimately Pepe's watershed). In the eastern part of the state, the Red River (the Hudson Bay watershed) has about another 12 feet before it crests (at least in Grand Forks). And as I type it continues snowing all throughout North Dakota. Holy beh-geezus.

Officials hope to break up the downstream ice jam, possibly using explosives. That jam, created by ice flowing down the Heart River, was made up of chunks of ice up to 3 feet thick and the size of small cars, Sando said.

"The ice is just solid as a rock," he said.

In the lingo of FCP: the Army needs to get in here and strafe those Missouri River ice jams like some terrorist training camp.

Pepe, get ready for when the ice breaks...


My Frontier Thesis said...

Counterpoint to the ice jam.

Tecumseh said...

Go East, young man.

Tecumseh said...


My Frontier Thesis said...

Hmmm... looks like we need more of those plastics, Tecs. Check it out:

By Wednesday morning, Black Hawks hovered over the ice-locked part of the river as those inside surveyed the damage. And just after 4 p.m., 80 holes full of 160 pounds of C-4 plastic explosives finally blew into 2- and 3-foot thick ice.

But officials are now saying that two more explosions are needed, one later Wednesday night and another early this morning.