Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Rageboy Obama starts Reichstag fire

There's that steady hand at the tiller...dividing and individuating targets. Meanwhile, WaPo puts heat on Obama and exonerates Dodd. How did that happen? Someone drop a minus sign? Steyn on shame and death.


Tecumseh said...

Now we're being told the federal government has to pick up the tab not just for Henrietta Hughes's house and GM's unsustainable benefits and California's runaway budget but also for "older investors" seduced by Madoff's promises of soaraway returns. Why should AIG bonuses be exempt from a federal cash-cow predicated on rewarding failure? As long as there's one last feedstore clerk somewhere in Idaho putting in an honest day's work we can all stick it to, who cares?


Mr roT said...

You think he's talkin about some kin of Sarah Palin's? Just askin.