Saturday, July 31, 2010
As soon as McCarthy comes out against the imposition of sharia law
.. Rot starts pulling hard for the Caliphate and jihad. It's a basic axiom of Rotter Logik.
enemy of Planet Rot,
sharia or bust
Even the Boston Globe
.. hits Kerry (with a rather wet noodle) over his boat. But not Rot. No way. He always pulls for Jean-Francois.
Friday, July 30, 2010
Gunning for AA
Hey, man, watch out for those marauding bears, willya? Update: Grizzly kicks the bucket.
Rot the legal eagle
The Justice Department had maintained that the Arizona statute’s ban on smuggling illegal aliens while committing another crime — a provision targeting drug dealers — violates the Constitution’s assignment of the regulation of interstate commerce to the federal government. The federal interest in the unimpeded transport of drug runners and scouts across state lines, one must infer from the department’s brief, trumps a state’s interest in keeping drug dealing away from its residents.Only in Rotter Logik.
Straight out of Monty Python.
Ulululululu, says Rot.
Straight out of Monty Python.
Ulululululu, says Rot.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
It was always conceptual that this would happen
Taking the 5th on screwing up who to bury where? Of course, that's al peachy creamy with Herr Rot.
a great job,
our tax dollars hard at work
Not from Planet \lesssim
UPCHUCK for prize comment from mutual fiend: All Algebra beyond 5th grade is Queer. Even so, putting super or sub Algebra in the title is unacceptable and subjective name calling.
Joys of Taxachusetts
Funny comment: the real story here is that the idiot residents of this state keep on electing these clowns to office locally and federally...folks in this part of the country view themselves as 'enlightened', 'sophisticated', 'smart' and 'educated' and yet they're a bunch of morons who keep on sending good ol'horseface to appears that the last act of good common sense they had was the party by the bay dumping tea into it...but that's ancient history. Hey, hey, hey--how about Scotty?
Article 3, Section 3 never applies, says Mac
Ultra left, obviously with an agenda, and now we an American - American newspapers acting as willing accomplice to this - what is clearly a breach of our national security, and implementing it and abetting it.
HANNITY: Do you think it's treason?
MCCAIN: I'm not sure if that's the right word.
HANNITY: Do you think it's treason?
MCCAIN: I'm not sure if that's the right word.
VDH in an FCP mood
When questioned, our representatives -- reminiscent of the old French court at Versailles -- act like they live in a rarified [sic], untouchable universe. This calls for a VCP, no?
Cheers from Chamonix!
Scroll down to the last pic, Tecs. Sorry you're not invited, though a long-time Dem supporter.
The coalition that elected Obama had always been split between two different elements—those who thought he was like Edmund Burke, and those who hoped he was like Robespierre; those moved by the progressive big ideas and those drawn by the pragmatic persona; those galvanized by the left-wing agenda and those who trusted in the “first-class temperament” extolled by Christopher Buckley and others to keep the agenda from going too far. ... Disapproval would keep steadily rising, and the fact that independents, who had flocked to Obama in the fall of 2008, saw the term “liberal” as not user-friendly suggested they had gone with the temperament, not the agenda, and were starting to think they’d been had.
Life is a biatch.
Life is a biatch.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Planet Rot ululates
In unison with the ACLU, while one of Rot's Enemy of the People seethes: In effect, the court is saying that if the feds refuse to enforce the law the states can't do it either because doing so would transgress the federal policy of non-enforcement ... which is nuts. Not according to Rotter Logik.
Where to moor the Versailles yacht?

RE-REGURGE: JFK is as much a master of the non-sequitur as Der Rotter: When asked "Did you berth the boat in Massachusetts?" he replied, "That depends on who owns it."
Re-Re-Regurge: Life is a bitch.
Pay up: So now everyone is laughing at Liveshot again, and there’s one explanation. It’s all Bush’s fault.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Monday, July 26, 2010
The law, according to your random pinko Frenchie
Frédéric Bastiat sums it up: But it is upon the law that socialism itself relies. Socialists desire to practice legal plunder, not illegal plunder. Socialists, like all other monopolists, desire to make the law their own weapon. And when once the law is on the side of socialism, how can it be used against socialism? For when plunder is abetted by the law, it does not fear your courts, your gendarmes, and your prisons. Rather, it may call upon them for help.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
So what's the score?
Does Obama's flailocracy get a penalty or does Breitbart for posting a clipped vid?
Tomorrow: Buffalo, Wyoming
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Herr Rot the grand strategy guy
Kandahar is not a military operation like Fallujah. Killing the bad guys dead is a no-no in the Rotten field manual. Winning hearts and minds is the bright new idea he's got.
Friday, July 23, 2010
Planet Rot confused
From comments: Well, in my family at least, education was valued. We were taught to speak "the Queen's English"- yes they called it that. It amazes me that the people who so revere our Founding Fathers forget that they were members of the educated elite. I wonder what Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson would think of this. They committed treason against the British Empire for this?
Pepe gets all artsy-fartsy
.. with the water works. But who's gonna collect his garbage? Maybe he got stuck in a sinkhole?
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Pepean Quality Control Catches Another Neokkoness
Joys of RomneyCare
It’s Economics 101: if you increase demand for a product, and keep supply constant, prices will go up. You don't say.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Obama's Hippocratic Paradigm at it's Hypocritic Worst
Poutine attack!
In the meantime, dummy escapes, while Al Gore can't get no satisfaction.
Canadian Sports,
Putin just doesn't get it
When Herr Rot goes to Euroland
.. discord ensues: The Germans have recently turned on the Austrians, whom they now rate as only marginally less spendthrift than the Greeks. Germans, especially in the north, have always abused Austrians for being lazy, profligate, light-fingered, and frivolous. The Austrians in turn brand the Germans as overbearing, dictatorial, censorious, and mean -- braggarts, bullies, and skinflints.
Kagan Alone Has Looked Upon Corruption Pure
The discreet charm of the pinko mind
Hard Left still can't stand squishy pinkos.
from Planet Pepe with love,
MSM Party Line
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Monday, July 19, 2010
Rot TKOed
JD told McCain that he has perfected the "six-year switch" on everything from tax cuts to amnesty. McCain flip-flopped and declared, "I have never supported amnesty." JD pointed out that he co-sponsored an amnesty bill with Ted Kennedy. This is too easy.
REGURGE: A spirited debate. JD doesn't sound like the retarded caricature Rot is making him to be. As for Mac, how come he's trading all these sharp barbs now against a fellow GOPper, when in 2008 he sleep-walked through the general election? Not a question Rot would ever answer...
REGURGE: A spirited debate. JD doesn't sound like the retarded caricature Rot is making him to be. As for Mac, how come he's trading all these sharp barbs now against a fellow GOPper, when in 2008 he sleep-walked through the general election? Not a question Rot would ever answer...
The Baboonery of Versailles

But if anyone thinks Obamakles and Praetorian Guard are gonna accept being checked by the "checks and balances" of our once Free Republic, all meek and law abiding like, then they be a fool in chihuahua's clothing.
Stinking peasants need not apply
Yet another study: The most underrepresented groups on elite campuses often aren’t racial minorities; they’re working-class whites (and white Christians in particular) from conservative states and regions. Duhhh.
VDH rails against pinko Versailles.
VDH rails against pinko Versailles.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Back to roasting Renaults
Les jeunes are getting restless. I wonder who those "hoodlums and delinquents" could be. Pepe in drag, perhaps?
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Pole vaulting
The UK's ruling Conservative Party sent its most senior openly gay member to the event. Openly? How do you translate this from Brit-speak?
Peggy Noonan figures out what a non-sequitur is
Duhh. I've been contending with these critters for ages on this board.
Friday, July 16, 2010
Thursday, July 15, 2010
China sets up a Tecsian paradise
"China's capital has started gating and locking some of its lower-income neighborhoods overnight, with police or security checking identification papers around the clock, in a throwback to an older style of control,"
Tecs' heartthrob Mitt tells us who's serious!
[..,] Mitt Romney, the former Massachusetts governor and Ken model, and, by traditional standards, the putative 2012 frontrunner, says of Palin, "She's not a serious human being." [...] Romney [...] warns, "If she's standing up there in a debate and the answers are more than 15 seconds long, she's in trouble."
To which roT replies,"Hey! How's that Romney-Changey thing workin out?"
To which roT replies,"Hey! How's that Romney-Changey thing workin out?"
Rot more and more out of the mainstream
Even the Northern Mariana islanders know that. Not to say your random GOPpers from Massachusetts.
Cindy Sheehan Buchanan
OK, there's something right in this that Coulter brought up, but why not kick one of Tecs' buddies when there's a chance?
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
So feminized and diversified and ecologically correct he’s practically lactating
Pepe in a nutshell.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
The dots never connect
That's, of course, an axiom of Pepean Logik. But here's a novel kink: escaping the surly bonds of Cartesian logic, a worthy Hero of Planet Pepe confronts head-on Kolmogorov's Axioms and Bayes' Theorem:
The circuit court’s chief criticism of Judge Kessler’s ruling involved her “failure to appreciate conditional probability analysis.” The circuit court explains “that although some events are independent (coin flips, for example), other events are dependent.” That is, if one event occurs, then this makes other events “more or less likely.”
The circuit court’s chief criticism of Judge Kessler’s ruling involved her “failure to appreciate conditional probability analysis.” The circuit court explains “that although some events are independent (coin flips, for example), other events are dependent.” That is, if one event occurs, then this makes other events “more or less likely.”
The bill is controversial abroad but popular in France, where its relatively few outspoken critics say conservative President Nicolas Sarkozy has resorted to xenophobia to attract far-right voters. Ouh-la-la. BTW, where exactly is "abroad"?
joys of burkha,
Planet Pepe conflicted
UnAmericans R' US
So, to really prove our un-American bonafides, let's question Bloomberg's financial interests with the Saudis.
Rott Rages Romanly Against Those Tecumsehian Tejas Hordes
Monday, July 12, 2010
That Old Pepean War of Versailles Against The Kulaks.

Der Obama Putsch wird gebumst
Politically Profane is the Professing Professor
Should have been a Muslim. That's the ticket to trouble free tenure and Nasa Rocket Science.
Massachusetts is Nothing But Chicago's Little Doxie

Those romantic rhythms of health rationing
"It's not a question of whether we will ration health care. It is whether we will ration with our eyes open." Wide open.
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Herr Rott' s-komplizierter analytischer Beweis des Bin Laden-Theorems
That's what you get for bringing Dolbeault Cohomology to the Hood.
Brave Basij Save Hijab's Honor
A Thelma and Louise moment

Pay up!
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Demolish those Honeckerian walls!
To use President Calderon's own logic, the so-called need for American immigration reform is really a demand that the United States solve the economic and social problems of Mexico by allowing millions of his countrymen to reside in and be cared for by the U.S. Ululululu.
Back to a shot of whisky before the scalpel
Gotya again. Git the rotgut, boy, this gonna hurt.
Al Gore the Science Guy,
pinko medicine
Drill baby! Drill!
Of course Tecs thinks all that supply-demand stuff is simplistic.
Barack Palinka,
The Bloody Obvious
Pacepa railing against illegals
Relax, Herr Rot, relax. He's not being Honeckerian.
Klehr and Haynes try a different tack.
Klehr and Haynes try a different tack.
Friday, July 09, 2010
Calamari con libido
The penis of the squid, which had extended only slightly over the mantle margin, suddenly started to erect, and elongated quickly to 67cm total length, almost the same length as the whole animal. The squid's sexual agitation caught the researchers by surprise. You betcha.
REGURGE: Grill that octopus!
REGURGE: Grill that octopus!
Rotter Logik dissected
Nor is this the only example of an implied moral equivalence that diminishes and devalues America. Assistant Secretary of State Michael Posner reported that in discussions with China about human rights, the U.S. side brought up Arizona's immigration law -- "early and often."
Honeckerian martial law must be denounced vigorously and vociferously, says Rot.
Honeckerian martial law must be denounced vigorously and vociferously, says Rot.
A bad day for Herr Rott,
Thursday, July 08, 2010
Glienicker Brücke, here I come

Shit these are close!
Ill. Roundup.
How can people be so goddamned stupid?
Ooh, hope! Floridians 57/37 for repeal of abortocare.
How can people be so goddamned stupid?
Ooh, hope! Floridians 57/37 for repeal of abortocare.
Pure genius
The broads have always been shitbag Dems. Tecs would love to keep things that way, but I don't think we can do any more time with Obama as a cellmate.
Measuring the proton
Those \lessims are a bitch, aren't they, Herr Rot? I say, they'd be better off using gerbes and Higgs bundles. Alternatively, one could try going back to the Moon, in a novel way.
Crystal night descending
Is this to be the end of the Christian minorities in Asia Minor — that land where, 13 centuries and more before the Turk came to rule, Paul had journeyed as a missionary through its length and breadth, and where the first ‘seven churches that are in Asia’ stood, to which the messages written in the Book of Revelation were sent?
Looks like it. Ulululululu.
Looks like it. Ulululululu.
Sad and weird.
When I ask him whether Obama, as a fellow African-American, had been an inspiration behind his own decision to enter politics, he says, "Yes, I mean there's something that, you know, I knew so I just knew that. It was in my mind, I knew that, that, that, that the voters really, they really, that they really, erm, followed the candidate. That they really wanted substance in a candidate . . .
We got some substance in DC, that's for sure... I wish Obama were as sincere as this poor rube...
We got some substance in DC, that's for sure... I wish Obama were as sincere as this poor rube...
Playing for fools
... after he gets re-elected, he will come back to his old position, which was as you said the Kennedy-McCain bill. You don't say.
Buying Rooskie copters
OK, OK -- so we were talking about buying Antonov tankers. Now we're talking about buying Mi-17 (as in Mikoyan) choppers? What's next? Sukhoi fighters? Bear bombers? C'mon, Herr Rot, get real. I said, fryin' chickens, not chicken Kiev.
Wednesday, July 07, 2010
Man is a hydraulic accident
The glow of decay in a forest, while I was a child, affected me, put me in a dream state that felt weird. Later, I imagined that light is the state prior to birth and the state after death. Paraphrasing a formula of Coanda : « man is a hydraulic accident », I would say : « man is a luminous accident ». In this respect we might consider solar light as prenatal life, like time not yet structured.
The Rotten money pit

Tuesday, July 06, 2010
Coanda weeps

Monday, July 05, 2010
Casting stones
Pepe has the standard reply ready: dmc9821 This is the path that the far right in the U.S. would like us to take - they could justify it along with every other bias/prejudice they currently justify.....they are NO different than their counterparts in the Middle East......
Don't worry, be happy
Everything is under control: “I don’t want to agree with him, because if he’s right, we’ve basically got to go to the mountains with a gun and some soup cans, because it’s all over.”
Sunday, July 04, 2010
Who woulda known?
Culturally, we expect men to compete, and women to sit down and talk things out. “Obama is a chatterbox who makes Alan Alda look like Genghis Khan,” Parker writes.
Editing the Declaration of Independence
On the chopping block: "These facts have given the last stab to agonizing affection, and manly spirit bids us renounce forever" our old friends and brothers. "We must endeavor to forget our former love for them. ... We might have been a free and great people together."
Now, which country was Thomas Jefferson talking about? Great moments in public education.
Now, which country was Thomas Jefferson talking about? Great moments in public education.
The hat. I got the hat.

Saturday, July 03, 2010
Yet another study
"If they go for a big alpha male, they'll get good genes. But they may be left to raise the child themselves." Duh.
Malkin tries Cartesian logic with Herr Rot
George Washington, in a letter to John Adams, stated that immigrants should be absorbed into American life so that “by an intermixture with our people, they, or their descendants, get assimilated to our customs, measures, laws: in a word soon become one people.”
In a 1790 speech to Congress on the naturalization of immigrants, James Madison stated that America should welcome the immigrant who could assimilate, but exclude the immigrant who could not readily “incorporate himself into our society.”
Racists all, of course.
In a 1790 speech to Congress on the naturalization of immigrants, James Madison stated that America should welcome the immigrant who could assimilate, but exclude the immigrant who could not readily “incorporate himself into our society.”
Racists all, of course.
Anti-rotter logik,
Pissing up a rope
Friday, July 02, 2010
Day at the office in Pepea
The two Latinos living in New York were open left-wing radicals: Vicky Pelaez wrote odes to Fidel Castro’s Cuba and her husband, college professor Juan Lazaro, used his classes to denounce American imperialism.
But of course.
But of course.
Thursday, July 01, 2010
William F. Buckley goes Rotter
REGURGE for McTardthy, in the comments commode, where links to him belong.
A Bad Day for Moi,
Mac falls to sleep
Why ODEs are too much for Tecs' arrow-filled mind
REGURGE because this escaped the notice of the targets.
Sarah Palin, eat your heart out
Of course, this is Arizona, so Herr Rot pulls for the local Mike Dukakis.
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