Monday, October 23, 2006

Brain fryers, CXIV

They fry other things, too, JJ. Told ya.


Mr roT said...

“LANSING - A local Lansing man was rushed to the hospital today in a bizarre twist of events. Police are still unsure of the course of events, but it ended with one Hispanic man having a sharpened toothbrush sticking out of his ear and a cell phone inserted in his rectum. Another man was treated for scratches to his face at the scene, and a third suspect was charged with robbery of controlled substances from an Emergency Vehicle.”

This that State Dept guy Fernandez?

Tecumseh said...

The eyes, breasts and testicles are the areas of the body most likely to absorb the energy and many men carry their mobiles attached to their belt.

That's JJ for you.

I've seen men on trains spending two or three hours continually texting with their mobile phones held in their laps, and they press. This needs a considerable amount of power within what is effectively a metal box. We advise people to send a text with their arm outstretched next to the window when travelling on a train.

Watch out where you keep your arms, JJ!

Maybe people who use a phone for four hours a day spend more time sitting in cars, which could mean there’s a heat issue. It could be they are more stressed, or more sedentary and sit about eating junk food getting fat.

Could be that, too. But JJ does not have a car, so rules that one out. Quick, MFT, we need a study!

My Frontier Thesis said...

AI, you're right. We won't need as much funding as originally planned. I just learned that we can stick JJ in one of these.

Tecumseh said...

We advise people to send a text with their arm outstretched next to the window when travelling on a train.

Watch out when outstreching that arm -- the train pooper could be standing right next to you!

Mr roT said...

I'm usually jerking off when I'm txting. How to reconcile this geometric problem.