Monday, October 30, 2006

Pepe Thought In Islamic Action

Ah, another fine sample of gentlemen who can appreciate the Pepean insight into the True Danger that is presented by the Christers and their psychopathic adherence to "Sweet Baby Jaysus".


Mr roT said...

AA,, look here.

The Darkroom said...

pepe disses christians, muslims decapitate christian, hence pepe supports muslims.

is it that they're not too concerned with logic in your math program or is it you ?

My Frontier Thesis said...

Pepe, the idea AA is conveying is that you don't seem to heed the warnings suggested by these mounting singularities -- whether young Muslim teenagers are coordinating attacks on French authority or whether they are hacking Christians to pieces in Mesopotamia.

Note: these singularities have been happening since about 635AD. We're well aware that if you haven't gotten it by now, you're unlikely to ever.

Tecumseh said...

Deductive prowess is not the forte of those wearing ideological blinders.

At any rate, my heart goes out to that martyred boy. RiP.