Friday, October 27, 2006

Death of a President

So much garbage from the Boston Phoenix! It's hard to choose dumpster. Link1 link2 link3. You're right, Pepe. The NYT is not so bad after all. Back during the Kerry abort-oop-campaign for some office or another, the Phoenix did a hatchet job on Steyn. He tears them a new one here though perhaps that's exactly what they wanted. Even my favorite paragraph is too long for me to post out here so I'll put it in as a comment.


Mr roT said...

The 'I'll hunt down and kill America's enemies' line was written for [Kerry] and planted on his lips. The 'It's just a nuisance like prostitution' line is his, and how he really thinks of the issue. What an odd analogy. Your average jihadist won't take kindly to having his martyrdom operation compared with the decadent infidels' sex industry, but the rest of us shouldn't be that happy about it either. Kerry is correct in the sense that even if you dispatched every constable in the land to crack down on prostitution, there'd still be some pox-ridden whore somewhere giving someone a ride for ten bucks. But, on the other hand, applying the Kerry prostitute approach to terrorists would seem to leave rather a lot of them in place. In Boston, where he served as a 'law-enforcement person', the Yellow Pages are full of lavish display ads for 'escort services'. The other day, the Boston Phoenix did a lame hit piece on me, in which, if you could stay awake through the wet cement of the guy's prose, the main beef was that I was not a 'respectable commentator' like David Brooks of the New York Times. 'Respectability' seems a weird obsession for a fellow who writes for an 'alternative' newspaper funded by ads for transsexual hookers whose particular charms are spelled out at length, so to speak. In other words, while you can make an argument for a 'managerial' approach to terrorism, the analogy with prostitution sounds more like an undeclared surrender. This is aside from the basic defect of the argument: if some gal in your apartment building is working as a prostitute, that's a nuisance — condoms in the elevator, dodgy johns in the lobby; if Islamists seize the schoolhouse and kill your kids, even if it only happens once every couple of years, 'nuisance' doesn't quite cover it.

Tecumseh said...

if Islamists seize the schoolhouse and kill your kids, even if it only happens once every couple of years, 'nuisance' doesn't quite cover it.

Unless you are Jean Francois Pepe. That's precisely the point we've been hearing on this blog ad nauseam: that terrorists chopping heads, blowing things up, and generally creating death and mayhem around the world are just a little nuisance -- a bunch of guys "throwing Molotov cocktails" now and then. It's just plain pathetic.

Mr roT said...

There's still Barnett's middle way.

The Darkroom said...

prostitution is a nuisance ? you people are crazy: once married, where else does one get booty ?

Mr roT said...

That's Kerry that called it a nuisance.