Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Kerry channels Pepe

American soldiers are peegs. Don't get ad hominem with me. [AI, I thought this needed decoration. -JJ]


The Darkroom said...

Look, I dislike Kerry just as much as the next guy, but here's the story:

A Kerry aide told CNN that the prepared statement, which had been designed to criticize President Bush, "was mangled in delivery."

Kerry was supposed to say, "I can't overstress the importance of a great education. Do you know where you end up if you don't study, if you aren't smart, if you're intellectually lazy? You end up getting us stuck in a war in Iraq."

That being said, it's election season and all is fair this time in the political cycle.

Mr roT said...

That being said, it's election season and all is fair this time in the political cycle.
You are a fair-minded soul, Pepe. I wonder if W will get less shit about his worthless speaking abilities after this H-bomb of a gaffe/Freudian slip and a damage control effort (2nd item) that makes "Hymietown" look like a garden party.

The Darkroom said...

this is all good - i don't think it'll have much incidence on this election but it might shoot down kerry's presidential ambitions.

Mr roT said...

We can only hope. I think Hillary would be a lot better.
Who do you like best/hate least among the possibles?

The Darkroom said...

I think he's just commited suicide: he's already botched one election and now this. There must be quite a few people pissed off at the Democratic Parties headquarters.

I don't like any of the dems much: Hill supported the war, Lieberman alone justifies neonazi ideology, Gore is a clown, Edwards insipid. Unfortunately Sarbane retired. I'd like to hear more of Obama.

The Darkroom said...

Who's center right on fiscal issues, a rabid leftist on social and mildly left on foreign policy ?

Mr roT said...

OK with me. Sounds too moderate for you from what I've heard but you assessments of the others are ok from your point of view (except Lieberman who's not running).

Mr roT said...

Who's center right on fiscal issues, a rabid leftist on social and mildly left on foreign policy ?
SOunds like Hillary to me, dude. You and I have different centerlines, though. You want the NJ ex-governor for the social issues, don't you?

The Darkroom said...

El maricon ?

Mr roT said...

Yeah. That guy. But not just mari, but also a little on the corrupt side. Didn't he set up his mandate with a cushy job?

Mr roT said...

I read today that a good number of Democrats are disavowing Kerry's comments. It must mean they're happy to see him crash and burn. I don't know if this bodes well for them or not. It could be that they think him too reasonable and they want Nancy for Prez instead...

My Frontier Thesis said...

NPR tried to do damage control by running a Rush Limbaugh segment. I think I heard Bush on the program, condemning Kerry's words. The NPR reporter responded to Limbaugh's critique by saying, "...even after Kerry apologized!"

Politics as usual. I think the scum in D.C. could do an even better job to make it even more personal.

Mr roT said...

Typical of npr. Great that they live on tax money. On the other hand, Rush sucks.

The Darkroom said...

Yeh that really sucks - I remember you guys bitching endlessly when Fox was exhorting people to move on after the Foley affair.

Mr roT said...

Somehow I don't theink the Foley thing is comparable. Call me a social liberal...

Mr roT said...

...also, a little interpretation of what I wrote a couple comments up above: I think the media are running with this because they are pro democrat. This may sound counterintuitive, but bear with me. Everyone wants to disassociate himself with Kerry sometime before the '08 election. This is a bad time, yes, but after he comes in a close second to Hillary in the '08 primaries, it's much worse as it splits the party.
They have a house of congress in the bag. Time to ditch Kerry for good and move on.