Thursday, October 26, 2006

Give Therapeutic Violence a Chance

The Peter Principle or the Bush "Je Ne Sais Quoi" Doctrine or the Le Pewian "Petain Yesterday, Petain Today, Petain Forever" Capitulism?


The Darkroom said...

Le Pewian "Petain Yesterday, Petain Today, Petain Forever" Capitulism

over your senseless "let's just wack someone, anyone, as long as he's a muslim" ? sure.

The Darkroom said...
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Arelcao Akleos said...

If the thought is inane, doubling makes it serious? Pepe is indeed a master epistemologist

The Darkroom said...

I like the idea of whacking moktada although the chest-beating moron who wrote this piece should consider a carrier in hair-dressing before anything involving a pen.
That being said, the ever-present stench of racism in your posts makes your frequent exhortations to "be serious" somewhat comical. Seriously racist perhaps ?

Arelcao Akleos said...

Ah, I see you deleted the doubling. A little backtracking never hurts the master epistemologist

Arelcao Akleos said...

as for the "ever present stench of racsim" in my posts, Prince Pepe, you wouldn't know racism if it was your Bunda Mate.
So, Petain, tell me, which race is it you have in mind?

Arelcao Akleos said...

You meant "career", of course. Hair dressers are rarely capable of being a carrier. Except, perhaps, those you are most intimate with.

Arelcao Akleos said...

It one was to hate Jews, and accept the "bloodline" definition of a Jew, then that would be racism. Simple and clear. Too simple, and too clear, for Pepe to get his head in.
As for the last line, Pepe, that is pathetic even by your standards.
Remove the word "ignorant" and you would not show yourself quite such a ninny. Remove the word "all", and you might actually then have to think about what aspects of Islam can inspire hatred, or, as in your case, abject fear unto shameless cowardice. In other words, you might have to think.
And thought is another thing impervious to Pepe's head.

Arelcao Akleos said...

One can see it now, after the rapid collapse of French Armies upon the end of the "false spring". Pepe L'Ancestre admonishing those few cadets and other hapless souls still wishing to fight: "What is it with this ignorant hatred of all things German?" As if there was no knowledge of what there was to hate, and no understanding of the difference between being a member of the German nation and being a supporter of the ideology which dominated it. Natch, Pepe would make sure to so admonish in a Loud, and Slow, cadence, the better to be heard by his new masters, and the safer his own hide.

The Darkroom said...

As for the last line, Pepe, that is pathetic even by your standards.
i was under the impression that the standards had already been dropped by your efforts at mimicking a broken record stuck on Petain.

Arelcao Akleos said...

Your understanding of the word standards is related to "a broken record"? Your understanding, and standards, are clear.
As clear as your "subtle" avoidance of addressing the points made.

Arelcao Akleos said...

Terrified? As in I fear to confront Believers? To engage them face to face? To challenge their ideology publically, with name attached? As in I limit myself, being fundamentally an atheist, to mockery of Christians and those who are not inclined to clobber me for the offense? As in my insistence on Capitulation at the first hint there is actually a fight on my hands? As in confusing what is simply fun for me, now damnit, with what helps build and protect a better world? As in insisting on getting a few years of Ubi Mea under my belt, and to hell with the Hell I'll leave for my daughter? Oh, right, that sort of Terrified.

The Darkroom said...

Is your point that you aren't terrified at having others sent there on your behalf ? Very brave indeed.

My Frontier Thesis said...

aa, Pepe is quick to charge everyone with "racism." But that's just because anti-Semitism (or Jew Hatred) runs deep through France and Europe. This self-reflexivity thing the French talk about is only for the United States.

The Darkroom said...

is that your comeback ?

Arelcao Akleos said...

First, Pepe, this struggle between Islam Militant and the rest is by no means limited to soldiers, and even with all the casualties in Iraq, the number of civilian versus military dead is almost an even split. So by no means is it a case of a many impervious to harm sending out soldiers far away to do their dying for them. There are deaths and injuries, in the past four years, related to this struggle, in almost every major american city. Which of course is something you understand. For, there you are, ensconced in the big bad Big Easy, making sure you see the cross on the rube before you indulge in bashing his god/s. Wouldn't want to accidentally piss off the "wrong" Ahmed, eh? Islam Militant is close enough to you to make, as I said, a shameless coward out of you. In you, IM has found the examplar of the fine results from the policy of "Fear Locally, Capitulate Globally".
Second, if I was younger I would be right now in the military. And I would do my damndest to be in action. It is something I inquired into after 911, only to be told I was just too old. [MFT may hazard the guess that Statistics made me lose the will to live, but that would have been only half the equation]......But of course you don't believe me. Pepe understands only the machinations of cowardice.

Arelcao Akleos said...

Is what my comeback, Pepe?
My answer, hard to call it a "comeback", has just been posted.

Arelcao Akleos said...

MFT, does Euro self-reflexivity have anything to do with the "other" Bunda?

Mr roT said...

The writer does seem a bit overwrought, Pepe, but we should have killed Moqtada a long time ago. If he's ever in charge he'll be the muslim Pol Pot for sure.
You and Nancy Pelosi we'll be able to thank for the blood on his hands too, if there's a pullout that leaves him standing.
How you gonna wash them hands clean, bud? Twenty bucks to UNICEF?

My Frontier Thesis said...

MFT, does Euro self-reflexivity have anything to do with the "other" Bunda?

Well, according to Foucault's History of Sexuality (or, a more appropriate title: Legitimizing 19th-century Buggery), bunda is that other finery that the French and Euros enjoy these days. Of course, Jew hating is the other one.

Once I get finished with some more deadlines that require my immediate attention, I'll have to start chatting with Pepe about St. Julian, and the Cistercians, an 11th century Benedictine order of monks who thundered against pagentry and elevated spiritual self-reflexivity. However, Pepe might have a hard time understanding that stuff, at least with an R.G. Collingwood lens -- see, not being a self-absorbed, self-hating nihilist is a sort of prerequisite to understanding and contextualizing the past.

Oh well.

Tecumseh said...

Hi, guys -- I came late to this post, and in fact, reposted the link, before JJ kindly told me I was late.

At any rate, getting back to Ralph Peters-- as I was saying a couple of months ago, I used to like what this guy was writing about 15 years ago. But lately he seems to have gone off his meds, swinging wildly from left to right, rather overwrought, indeed. But still, he makes a rather forceful point in this article, worth pondering.

That nasty bit of accusing one of us of "racism" for wishing dead a inciter to sectarian, senseless violence and mayhem like Muqtada is absurd and below the belt. Alas, it is typical of the modus operandi of the pinko lefties, who always take airs of hurt innocence, let's all love and hug each other, we rae the world, let's not hurt the feelings of Muqtada or Pol Pot or whoever may chop our heads, but then turn viciously against softer targets. Their favorite club (a wet noodle, though, almost invariably), is the wanton accusations of racism, anti-semitism, nazism, fascims, all the beauties in the Lefty-Stalinist lexicon. Pfftttt.

Tecumseh said...

amalgamation of all things muslim with terrorism

Ok, you set up two variables here. Are you saying there is 0 correlation between the two? Or, that anyone daring to state there is a positive correlation is ipso facto a nazi or racist or something? Or, that any one of us said there is a 100% correlation?

Any one of the above interpretations (and any one is possible to infer from what you say, perhaps even all), is absurd on the faced of it, in my considered opinion.

Now, trying to be logical, and giving the benefit of the doubt -- a politeness which of course I do not expect from any gauchiste -- maybe what is meant by the above statement is that there is a number c between 0 and 1 so that, if somebody sees a correlation bewteen the two posited variables greater than c, one can be said to be biased in some fashion. (I'm with AA on this, I do not see what a universal religion has to do to with race -- making the conflation is just totally preposterous, and indicative of an illogical mind.) At any rate, being generous about it, was that the statement that was intended in the above? If yes, we can perhaps start a more-or-less logical discussion, nad try to discern what that constant c is. If not, just forget about it.

Tecumseh said...

amalgamation of all things muslim with terrorism

Ok, you set up two variables here. Are you saying there is 0 correlation between the two? Or, that anyone daring to state there is a positive correlation is ipso facto a nazi or racist or something? Or, that any one of us said there is a 100% correlation?

Any one of the above interpretations (and any one is possible to infer from what you say, perhaps even all), is absurd on the faced of it, in my considered opinion.

Now, trying to be logical, and giving the benefit of the doubt -- a politeness which of course I do not expect from any gauchiste -- maybe what is meant by the above statement is that there is a number c between 0 and 1 so that, if somebody sees a correlation bewteen the two posited variables greater than c, one can be said to be biased in some fashion. (I'm with AA on this, I do not see what a universal religion has to do to with race -- making the conflation is just totally preposterous, and indicative of an illogical mind.) At any rate, being generous about it, was that the statement that was intended in the above? If yes, we can perhaps start a more-or-less logical discussion, nad try to discern what that constant c is. If not, just forget about it.