Tuesday, October 31, 2006

A five year plan

Old stalinist dreams never die, they just keep coming back dressed in pinko-frenchie garb.

Segolene Royal, the Socialist frontrunner for the 2007 election campaign, demanded a five-year plan to improve youth integration in the suburbs and criticized government policies.

Aahhh... the French youth. I say, give each and every one 10K, and then we talk. Do I have a taker? Anyone wants to see me and double?


Mr roT said...

BE fair. Sego is mighty sexy and so the yutes might do what she asks. Also, she has talked tough on occasion about deporting people (born in France? where to? USA?) and having reform school run by the Germans or something Petainian like that.


Tecumseh said...

OK, OK. But why use "5 year plans" for that? Language just rubs me the wrong way. Maybe it sounds better in French?

Mr roT said...

If Sego says it, it pprobably sounds pretty cute.