Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Looks Like Paris, Texas

Four Years can change a man? F*&k that, four hours suffice.


My Frontier Thesis said...

Cool. Pictures from and of Mars are fun to look at for a variety of reasons. First and foremost, for scientific. But they also provide a sort of escapism from whatever.... kind of like booze.

Arelcao Akleos said...

Better than that "booze" called Molson

Mr roT said...

You sure seem to be suffering the beer up there in Krasnoyarsk. Clicking around I see that Vanc has a top beer. It's called Sleeman's. Here is an interesting page.

Tecumseh said...

I always associate Texas with that guy wandering in the desert with an empty gallon jug of water. Anyone recalls that movie? And, is Texas much different than that?

Mr roT said...

What's an empty gallon jug of water look like?

Arelcao Akleos said...

Yes, I had ordered that on draft at the joint. But then they were "out of " draft. I smell a Molson plot........Guess I have to try a different class of joint.

Arelcao Akleos said...

That movie, AI, was, ...ahem..."Paris, Texas". hence the name of this post......that four-year quote is also from the movie.

Arelcao Akleos said...

An empty gallon Jug of Water, he who claims to be Brownsville born, is an empty gallon plastic jug, with a water label on its side, utterly dessicated and with nothing but some grit and desert spiders inside. Nevertheless, which, the desperate dying dude tries to eke a drop from as he stumbles to his end on a martian landscape under a killing sun. Tejas, Hee Ya!

Mr roT said...

At least there's beer in Texas. How do you like Canada, AA?

My Frontier Thesis said...

I always think of the Three Amigos scene where Martin Short and Steve Martin watch Chevy Chase guzzle-guzzle-guzzle his full canteen of water, and then discard it like yesterdays trash on the dry, sandy, broken desert floor, all while Short and Martin look on with extremely dry mouths.

Tecumseh said...

That movie, AI, was, ...ahem..."Paris, Texas". hence the name of this post......that four-year quote is also from the movie.

Touché! I missed that quote. AA, you have a much better memory of movies than I.

An empty gallon Jug of Water, he who claims to be Brownsville born, is an empty gallon plastic jug, with a water label on its side, utterly dessicated

Thanks for providing a down-to-earth explanation for JJ's benefit. Next thing you'll know, he'll ask, what's an empty bottle of wine. Be prepared!

Arelcao Akleos said...

My memory is not so good on most movies, AI, but "Paris, Texas" came along like a nasty miracle, offering just the right note to sum up four bad years. That made it memorable.