Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Grey Lady Bites Grey Lady!


Tecumseh said...

Interesting. Go here; the mea culpa maxima is buried on page 2, after chit-chat
about perfume.

Tecumseh said...

And, by the way, JJ, it's the Gray Lady. Powwww!!!!!

VCP(n) --> infinity

Arelcao Akleos said...

Pepe, pretended ignorance doesn't generate quite the same bliss as the real thing. And right now you don't sound too blissful.

Mr roT said...

AI, BFD. Wikipaedophile thinks Coanda was some hot shit when in fact he invented the washing machine and nothing else.
Pepe, the nickname of the New York Times among those in the know (i.e. assholes) is the "Grey Lady". AI calls it the "Gray Lady" hoping to conceal his character.