Thursday, December 31, 2009
Tinker, tailor, soldier, spy
They were "experienced frontline officers and their knowledge and expertise will be sorely missed" and not easily regenerated. Terrible, just terrible. RiP. But, but. Don't they teach newbies at The Farm anymore that one needs to frisk "informants" coming in? Sounds like a rookie mistake to me--just about at the same level as letting Abdul board the plane with a bomb in his undies, after being forewarned by his father. No?
Even coppers of yore were mindful of Rotters
Holds etc must not be put on with a jerk or violence, no unnecessary force to be used as it will probably result in fracture or dislocation of limbs. Holds etc must not be used on very old or very drunken persons.
Hey, Tecs! How to skip out on Dept meetings!
C'mon, Tecs. Don't freeze your ass off in that tent. Tell everyone about this.
Ship driving like an arrowhead on the stormy seas

Second man?
I've seen many stories since Christmas about the possibility of a second man on that NW 253 flight, one who made waves both at Schiphol and on the ground in Detroit. What to make of these?
Update. ¿Qué pasa?
Update. ¿Qué pasa?
Joys of socialized medicine
The Mayo Clinic, praised by President Barack Obama as a national model for efficient health care, will stop accepting Medicare patients as of tomorrow ... Obama in June cited the nonprofit Rochester, Minnesota-based Mayo Clinic and theCleveland Clinic in Ohio for offering “the highest quality care at costs well below the national norm.” Mayo’s move to drop Medicare patients may be copied by family doctors, some of whom have stopped accepting new patients from the program.
Just asking, says Kristol
In light of the reporting that Abdulmutallab has clammed up on the advice of his lawyers, will Obama now at least consider designating him an enemy combatant? Not unless he wants Pepe to have a fainting spell.
Tecs Pelosi keeps the riff-raff out
roT coughs up the dough. Racism alive and well in The Whitey House.
A little gift from Barney
$4 trillion is just play money in pinko hog heaven. In the meantime, VDH keeps fretting.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
(Self-gelding)^4 and his district
Beautiful country down there. Tidelands. Salt air. Oysters. Wacko nutsack shithead RINOs.
For now we see through a glass, darkly
Barack Obama saw all that. So he gave the crowds what they wanted: promises of vetoes of wasteful spending, no more lobbyists, an honest Congress for once, financial sobriety, and no more red-state/blue-state, at-your-throat politics. For millions of believers, Obama was to be our version of Truman or Eisenhower — centrist competence, but spiced up with 21st-century postracial pizzazz. The people took Obama at his word, and here we are a year later with the largest drop in popularity of a first-year president in poll-taking history. ... I think it is a fair generalization to say that both the Right and the Left agree that Obama ran as a moderate in order to move America sharply to the left. The former calls it perfidy; the latter, necessary politics to achieve the desired ends.
When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.
When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.
Pepe shoots a documentary
.. to combat insidious FCP propaganda. But this will make for more interesting TV drama.
Pin the tail on the donkey
OK, whose fault is this? Pity Pepe has chickened out. I bet a case of VCP he would have said W.
Obama is Philip K Dickless
Maureen Dowd's column has been commandeered by Ace today.
NYDN freefall. Cheney shows up for the gangbang. In the meantime, he went snorkeling. Reap the rewards of a job well done.
NYDN freefall. Cheney shows up for the gangbang. In the meantime, he went snorkeling. Reap the rewards of a job well done.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Do Berkeleyites dream of Soviet Birkenstocks?
Yoo: At Berkeley, protesting is an everyday activity. I am used to it. I remind myself of West Berlin — West Berlin surrounded by East Germany during the Cold War.
NYT: Are you saying the citizens of Berkeley are Communists, reminiscent of those on the dark side of the Iron Curtain?
Yoo: There are probably more Communists in Berkeley than any other town in America, but I think of them more as lovers of Birkenstocks than Marx.
NYT: Are you saying the citizens of Berkeley are Communists, reminiscent of those on the dark side of the Iron Curtain?
Yoo: There are probably more Communists in Berkeley than any other town in America, but I think of them more as lovers of Birkenstocks than Marx.
Jihadi wet dreams
"Alright, i wont go into too much details about me fantasy, but basically they are jihad fantisies. I imagine how the great jihad will take place, how the muslims will win insha Allah and rule the whole world, and establish the greatest empire once again!!!" Not much different from Pepean wet dreams.
A heckuva job
This employee says that despite statements from the Obama Administration, such information was flagged and given higher priority during the Bush Administration, but that since the changeover "we are encouraged to not create the appearance that we are profiling or targeting Muslims. I think career employees were uncomfortable with the Bush procedures and policies and were relieved to not have to live under them any longer."
We're getting here beyond mere incompetence--even beyond "systemic failure"--and into deliberate sabotage. But, no, no, no--says Rot--there is no Article 3, Section 3 in the Constitution. Tecs just made it up.
We're getting here beyond mere incompetence--even beyond "systemic failure"--and into deliberate sabotage. But, no, no, no--says Rot--there is no Article 3, Section 3 in the Constitution. Tecs just made it up.
Putin not satisfied with Obama's previous complete surrender
Now he wants more. But Boobama indicated this previous capitulation would appease (oop) Putin. What gives? Doesn't Vlad see this presidency as unprecedented enough?
All graphs are discrete
No two dots are ever connected, every vertex is isolated. A fundamental theorem in Pepean Graph Theory.
Monday, December 28, 2009
From Gitmo to the "art therapy rehabilitation program"
Which, translated into plain English, means training and supplying Abdul with PETN-lined underwear. That's artsy-fartsy!
Tecs allegedly right

[Caution: that's only an alleged bomb, says the Beeb. -- Tecs]
Where is the contextualization, Herr Rot?
After the embarrassing debate about Hasan (e.g., "Was he a terrorist?"; second-hand post-traumatic stress syndrome, etc.), I don't think the public will put up with similar contextualization about Mutallab. Ah, but Pepe demands it! So try harder, Herr Rot, and put things into context for us.
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Spiderman plays a Rotten trick
Males of this species offer food gifts to potential female mates. Some Pisaura mirabilis have also been observed to feign death, remaining still while holding the food gift in their mouths. When the female approaches and tries to take the food away, the male springs back to life and attempts to mate. The strategy of playing dead more than doubles a male's odds of successfully achieving copulation, from 40% to 89%.
Thanks to Planet Pepe
... we are being protected from the real danger: Privacy advocates, for example, have attempted to stop or at least slow the introduction of advanced checkpoint screening devices that use so-called millimeter waves to create an image of a passenger’s body, so officers can see under clothing to determine if a weapon or explosive has been hidden. Security officers, in a private area, review the images, which are not stored. Legislation is pending in the House that would prohibit the use of this equipment for routine passenger screening.
To date, only 40 of these machines have been installed at 19 airports across the United States—meaning only a tiny fraction of passengers pass through them. Amsterdam’s airport has 15 of these machines — more than just about any airport in the world — but an official there said Sunday they are prohibited from using it on passengers bound for the United States, for a reason she did not explain.
To date, only 40 of these machines have been installed at 19 airports across the United States—meaning only a tiny fraction of passengers pass through them. Amsterdam’s airport has 15 of these machines — more than just about any airport in the world — but an official there said Sunday they are prohibited from using it on passengers bound for the United States, for a reason she did not explain.
Account from the NWA flight
For fear that we fail to take the real moral here, “Our diversity, not only in our Army, but in our country, is a strength. And as horrific as this tragedy was, if our diversity becomes a casualty, I think that’s worse,” Casey said.
We are in good hands
That the attack was "foiled" by a bad detonator and some civilian passengers is proof, she claims, that her agency is doing everything right. That is just about the dumbest thing she could say, on the merits and politically. I would wager that not one percent of Americans think the system is "working" when terrorists successfully get bombs onto planes (and succeed in activating them).
Pepean logic in all its splendor. I'll bet you a case of VCP that Pepe is amongst those 1%.
Update: officials said the suspect told them he had obtained explosive chemicals and a syringe that were sewn into his underwear from a bomb expert in Yemen associated with Al Qaeda. But, Janet Napolitano says there is no indication that the man who attempted to destroy an airliner in Detroit on Christmas Day is part of a larger terrorist plot.
Pepean logic in all its splendor. I'll bet you a case of VCP that Pepe is amongst those 1%.
Update: officials said the suspect told them he had obtained explosive chemicals and a syringe that were sewn into his underwear from a bomb expert in Yemen associated with Al Qaeda. But, Janet Napolitano says there is no indication that the man who attempted to destroy an airliner in Detroit on Christmas Day is part of a larger terrorist plot.
Tecs' fruitiest buddies having second thoughts
...meanwhile, Tecs is getting his Harvard t-shirt from the dry-cleaner's on Comm. Ave.
The Atlantic find much to commend in not getting the memo from AQ.
The Atlantic find much to commend in not getting the memo from AQ.
High comedy in pinkoland
Hölder'll take care of all this stat, Janey. Ace seems to have missed this explanation.
Tecs, I know I posted the Jane-Norquist conspiracy before. No Alz, no VCP. The point of this post is that Ace makes some sense and Jane clarifies to the lefties at HuffPo.
Other cracks: [Obama] doesn't need a chief of staff. He needs someone to shake him until he feels something strongly enough not just to talk about it but to act. He's increasingly appearing to the public, and particularly to swing voters, like Dukakis without the administrative skill. And although he is likely to squeak by with a personal victory in 2012 if the economy improves by then, he may well do so with a Republican Congress. But then I suppose he'll get the bipartisanship he always wanted.
Pinko advocating violence against pinko. New?
Tecs, I know I posted the Jane-Norquist conspiracy before. No Alz, no VCP. The point of this post is that Ace makes some sense and Jane clarifies to the lefties at HuffPo.
Other cracks: [Obama] doesn't need a chief of staff. He needs someone to shake him until he feels something strongly enough not just to talk about it but to act. He's increasingly appearing to the public, and particularly to swing voters, like Dukakis without the administrative skill. And although he is likely to squeak by with a personal victory in 2012 if the economy improves by then, he may well do so with a Republican Congress. But then I suppose he'll get the bipartisanship he always wanted.
Pinko advocating violence against pinko. New?
When Plato meets Chicago
Asking why would Obama & Co. be so self-destructive to push through an array of proposals that have no more than 45% of the public’s support is like asking whether the English Prof who teaches incomprehensible Foucauldian theory worries whether he has only 2 students...
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Steyn on the other pincer in Obama's plan to wreck the USA
Damn, I went back into a post 9/11 mode of thinking for a day or so.
Firecrackers for Christmas
A thread I started (while Herr Rot was fast asleep at the wheel, though he woke up at some point).
Update: The man who saved the plane. Satnav for terrorists?
Connecting the dots? You kiddin' me? That's too complicated.
[Steyn -- roT]
Update: The man who saved the plane. Satnav for terrorists?
Connecting the dots? You kiddin' me? That's too complicated.
[Steyn -- roT]
Digging Out...

Friday, December 25, 2009
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Timeline of Climate Warmism
As Imam Ali says: A little truth repels much falsehood, just as a little fire burns a lot of wood. Amen to that.
Brace for Global Cooling, boys. Invest in long johns!
Brace for Global Cooling, boys. Invest in long johns!
Signor Rota caught in the middle

Pay up, man. Or else, watch out for those kneecaps.
Day at the office for Mr Rot,
Huffpo pinko frets
Says Mogulescu (is that Romanian for mogul's son?): Now it's the winter of our discontent. The moment for Obama to "change direction and seize the radical moment at hand" is fast receding. Will he continue to move "prudently, carefully, reasonably towards disaster?" If not, I worry for the future not only of progressives and Democrats, but of the country. President Palin in 2012? Oh. My. God.
Blue dog still has some fight in him?
“That’s not what it’s all about,” he said. “This is about health care, this is providing health care for all Americans – it’s not to see who can strike the best deal for their state. This is the wrong piece of legislation to try to do carve outs, or get an exception for your state and the rest of the country is supposed to pick up the tab.“ Mais non, mais non, it's the quintessential, paradigmatic pinko hog heaven legislation. Precisely the way it's supposed to work.
Grasping at straws.
Grasping at straws.
Exhilarating Christmas Eve

At least on the northern Plains. Stocked up on plenty of beef roast, carrots-onion-celery-mushrooms, table reds, aged and smoked cheeses, port (Warre's Warrior), microbrews, Swedish meatballs with gravy, garlic mashed potatoes, brandy, smoked salmon, spiced apple cider and mulled wine. Seems to be all covered for the next couple days.
Tex-Mex Constitution of 1833
Delegates also retained a traditional Spanish prohibition against seizing a debtor's physical property. Going a step farther, the proposed constitution would also prohibit imprisonment as a punishment for debt. This was a novel idea. Hmmmm.... How about imprisonment as a punishment for not buying health insurance? Did they put that in the Commerce Clause?
A Yellow Rose for Tejas,
Dumb Mexicans
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Yet, Freedom! yet thy banner, torn, but flying
What is that which the breeze, o'er the towering steep,
As it fitfully blows, half conceals, half discloses?
As it fitfully blows, half conceals, half discloses?
What is sauce for the goose is not sauce for the gander
“The President, Vice President, White House staff and cabinet secretaries are working very hard for this massive restructuring of America’s health care system. It’s only fair and logical that if this bill becomes law, these leaders should themselves be subject to the reforms.” Fair? Logical? What's that got to do with anything?
UC prof worries about little details
At this point, the Reid bill is on a collision course with the Constitution. I take it for granted that, constitutionally, the federal government could not just require all private health insurers to liquidate tomorrow, without compensation. Aahh, the Constitution. What a quaint document.
Spinning Copenhagen
"Rather than see a complete collapse in Copenhagen, in which nothing at all got done and would have been a huge backward step, at least we kind of held ground and there wasn't too much backsliding from where we were." Mais non, mais non, it was a huge success: the Chinese, Indians, South Africans, and Brazilians saved us from throwing away another $100 billion a year. Think positive.
It's all in the penumbras of the Constitution

Interpreting polls, the sophisticated way
A Quinnipiac University poll released Dec. 22 found a wider margin of disapproval, with 53 percent of respondents opposed to healthcare overhaul and 36 percent in favor. "While the Senate leadership reportedly has the votes to pass a health care overhaul plan this week, outside the Beltway there appears to be weak support, both to what voters understand as the plan, and the need to pass that plan now," said Peter Brown, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Polling Institute.
Ralph Peters plays Grinch
In Ireland and Spain, housing bubbles created the illusion of roaring economies -- and pandering governments inflated already generous social programs. In Italy and Greece, state giveaways, bubble economies and rabid corruption created national debts in excess of GDP. Even in this age of globalization and complex financial instruments, one law of the financial jungle remains brutally true: The bills come due eventually. You don't say.
Dubai's bankrupt, but frightened investors pretend otherwise. Greece is bankrupt. Spain counts on being considered too big to fail. Central Europe's headed for the post-modern equivalent of debtors' prison. Don't worry, be happy. Have some ouzo.
What of our own country, with its soaring debt, congressional irresponsibility and an administration whose No. 1 priority is expanding unaffordable entitlement programs? And a Merry Christmas to you.
Dubai's bankrupt, but frightened investors pretend otherwise. Greece is bankrupt. Spain counts on being considered too big to fail. Central Europe's headed for the post-modern equivalent of debtors' prison. Don't worry, be happy. Have some ouzo.
What of our own country, with its soaring debt, congressional irresponsibility and an administration whose No. 1 priority is expanding unaffordable entitlement programs? And a Merry Christmas to you.
Gitmo: oopsie daisy
The federal Bureau of Prisons does not have enough money to pay Illinois for the center, which would cost about $150 million. What's the problem? Just print the money! I mean, duhh.
Pinko mantra: "Shut the f--k up"
At the New Republic, Ed Kilgore was in total agreement, blaming the mainstream press for being browbeaten by right-wing fanatics into thinking they ought to air different opinions, and even cover all of the news. "Yglesias is right," he concluded. "This is one area of public policy where 'respect for contrary views' and 'editorial balance' are misplaced."
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
MFT's Upcoming Excellent Adventure
A "Live' Constitution is a Dead Thing
Jumping ship
A radiation oncologist who founded a cancer treatment center, Griffith plans to blast the Democratic health care bill as a prime reason for his decision to switch parties—and is expected to cite his medical background as his authority on the subject.
They got him sooo pegged.
They got him sooo pegged.
Hitchens Gives an Early Christmas Present to Foxhole Atheists
The point, or idea, in the argument most important is what is required to maintain a healthy Republic: the divide between Church and State. This not only so that the Church doesn't impose itself on the State, but also so that the State doesn't impose itself on the Church. It's a worthwhile ideal.
Here's a nifty excerpt:
"I am still not going to give any real names of [the atheist or agnostic] cadets attending my little event: there were about 20 of them, mostly males. Two of the group, one Baptist and one Mormon, had given up their faith since enlisting at the academy. The others fluctuated between doubt and agnosticism and straight-out unbelief. They were good-humored, outspoken, and tough-minded: the sort of people who make you proud of being defended by a volunteer military."
And on that note, an early Happy Christmas to FCP'ers as well.
Here's a nifty excerpt:
"I am still not going to give any real names of [the atheist or agnostic] cadets attending my little event: there were about 20 of them, mostly males. Two of the group, one Baptist and one Mormon, had given up their faith since enlisting at the academy. The others fluctuated between doubt and agnosticism and straight-out unbelief. They were good-humored, outspoken, and tough-minded: the sort of people who make you proud of being defended by a volunteer military."
And on that note, an early Happy Christmas to FCP'ers as well.
'Tis the season for the frisson
Stripping provides an opportunity for me to spread some holiday cheer the way I know best: with my big knockers. I admit my methods are unorthodox, but they sure are effective. I like to surprise a worthy customer with a free private dance, or pony up for a round of drinks for a particularly generous table. When a customer complains that he’s “just not feeling” the spirit, well, a quick smother of my cleavage relieves him of his grinchiness.
Monday, December 21, 2009
They've got us Soooo Pegged: Again
Heads right for Planet Pepe

"Re: Cantor: A Look Ahead [Mark Steyn]
This line from Congressman Cantor caught my eye:
They’re allocating taxpayer dollars as if those dollars belonged to the senators. It borders on immoral. Just look at the way Senator Landrieu put her vote up for sale. Senator Nelson did the same.
You can't even dignify this squalid racket as bribery: If I try to buy a cop, I have to use my own money. But, when Harry Reid buys a senator, he uses my money, too. It doesn't "border on immoral": it drives straight through the frontier post and heads for the dark heartland of immoral. "
Ramming it through
Even in World War I there was a Christmas truce. Not in Pepea. No siree.
WellPoint found that a healthy 25-year-old in Milwaukee buying coverage on the individual market will see his costs rise by 178%. A small business based in Richmond with eight employees in average health will see a 23% increase. Insurance costs for a 40-year-old family with two kids living in Indianapolis will pay 106% more. I wonder how much Pepe's costs will increase. I still recall he presented this bill as something that will save him $$ on his business expenses. I say an increase of 100% in his business costs is only fair.
WellPoint found that a healthy 25-year-old in Milwaukee buying coverage on the individual market will see his costs rise by 178%. A small business based in Richmond with eight employees in average health will see a 23% increase. Insurance costs for a 40-year-old family with two kids living in Indianapolis will pay 106% more. I wonder how much Pepe's costs will increase. I still recall he presented this bill as something that will save him $$ on his business expenses. I say an increase of 100% in his business costs is only fair.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Forget about Palau
And if the EU model is anything to go by, then the agencies of global authority will involve vast tracts of power being handed to unelected officials. Forget the relatively petty irritations of Euro‑bureaucracy: welcome to the era of Earth-bureaucracy, when there will be literally nowhere to run.
Drill, baby! Drill!
Of course Tecs de Voorhees thinks all this is simplistique and insufficiently nuanced.
Fifth column alive and well
BTW, AA. I got something put in my mailbox by accident here at UW's guesthouse. Some ph.d. student or postdoc originally from UC got a `gift to thoughtful minds' from his alma mater. It consisted of an oh-so-PC Christmas card with a recipe for something in it. I think they want money.
Should I send it along to you?
Should I send it along to you?
Blizzard of 2009
Well, Talk About Exquisite Irony
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Those Irishmen know all about parliamentary decorum
It has emerged that the F-word is not on the list of banned words, unlike brat, buffoon, rat and scumbag. But of course.
Gorebal Warming gets red hot
A Sudanese delegate, Lumumba Di-Aping, caused uproar when he compared the plan with the Holocaust. It was, he said, “a solution based on the same very values, in our opinion, that piled 6m people into furnaces in Europe”.
Blame it on Gorebal warming
Temperatures in northern France fell to as low as -8 Celsius on Friday night Dec. 18, “significantly lower than usual,” Eurostar’s Gorman said. “The more humid, warmer environment in the 30-mile tunnel affects the electrical systems” in the train engines, he said.
Pinko lords and stinking peasants
Another angle: Jared Diamond in his recent book Collapse supplies a clue to how a peculiar form of madness can grip a people and lead to economic demise. He looks at the wasteland that used to be Easter Island, with those forlorn heads staring into the abyss, and asks: what idiot chopped down the last tree, in order to move those heads to their resting places?
Your tax $$$ for Hamas!
Hey, if you can't give it to them for carbon offsets, how about just for being barbarians?
Friday, December 18, 2009
This is the single most important piece of paper in the world today
Right, Pepe, right. Have a schnapps to warm up.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
The Sweet Theological Science of Islam

First you have a Toledo field day, until the ditches run red with blood, and then you build a Mosque on the bones of the infidel.
Whichever dhimmi honchos allowed this pile of shit should be buried up to their necks in WTC toxic sludge. Then every little Hasan or Muhammad who attends the friday prayers is given a nice new razor sharp rock as an opening day gift.
Al Gore the science guy
The crux of the argument is that the CRU cherry picked data following the same methods that have been done everywhere else. They ignored data covering 40% of Russia and chose data that showed a warming trend over statistically preferable alternatives when available. They ignored completeness of data, preferred urban data, strongly preferred data from stations that relocated. [..] CRU’s selective use of 25% of the data created 0.64C more warming than simply using all of the raw data would have done. More on this.
Go back to Russia,
Statistica da Puta
A Fine Day for Pepe
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
The Red God of Planet Pepe

Star editor at Wiki

There is a hipothesis, formed by ukrainian sciencist Konstantin Efetov, that Michelangelo has presented two hidden images on the ceiling: on the fresco "The Creation of Adam" the group of angels around the God is rather similar to the appearance of the human brain, while on the fresco "The Creation of the Sun, Moon and Earth" after turning it over it is possible to find big pictures of male and female genitals. This discovery is treated by K. Efetov as Michelangelo's idea of two steps of the creation of the world: fertilization (symbolized by genitals) and spiritualization (symbolized by brain).
Molotov cocktails
Of course, we cancelled the only possible defense against those little gizmos -- the interceptor bases in Czechia and Poland -- in the forlorn hope to please Putin. Ululululululu, says Pepe.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
We are on the precipice of an achievement
Monday, December 14, 2009
Iowahawk Takes His Post and Shoves it Like a Hockey Stick Up Mann's Mavening Arse

" In all the talk of "models" and "smoothing" and "science" and "hide the decline" it became apparent to me that very very few of the people chiming in on this have even the slightest idea what they are talking about. This goes for both the defenders and critics of the scientists.
Long story, but I do know a little bit about statistical data modeling -- the principle approach used by the main cast of characters in Climategate -- and have a decent understanding of their basic research paradigm. The goal here is to share that understanding with interested laypeople. I'm also a big believer in learning by doing; if you really want to know how a carburetor works, nothing beats taking one apart and rebuilding it. That same rule applies to climate models. And so I decided to put together this simple step-by-step rebuilder's manual. Regardless of what side you've chosen in the climate debate (I'm not going to pretend that I'm anything but a crazed pro-carbon extremist) I hope this will give you a nuts-and-bolts understand what climate modeling is about, as well as give some context to the Climategate emails."
UPDATE: Iowahawk is all bullshit. The section on PCA is all nonsense.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Interview With The Devil

"Until 2003, nothing in McIntyre’s life suggested that he would assume a central role in one of history’s great scientific debates—yet that life, in retrospect, seems to have been equipping him for the role. The son of a surgeon, McIntyre had an impressive record of performance in math competitions as a young student attending the University of Toronto Schools. He is still proud of having once beaten older classmate Michael Spence—“he was a bit of a hero of mine”—who would eventually snag the Nobel memorial prize in economics (2001). McIntyre went on to obtain a math degree at the University of Toronto"
"The world of mining is one in which everyone is constantly aware of how engineering results can be tampered with or misrepresented to rip off investors. And in 2003, when McIntyre first saw the hockey stick graph, it reminded him uncomfortably of some stock promoter’s over-optimistic revenue projection."
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