Friday, January 23, 2009

Another Triumph of Pepeism.

Habeas corpus that, yer shithead Ricains. And stuff that 1st amendment up yer whazoo. Fer the world is Pepe's oyster and the wreckers and shirkers are gonna find whats what, Allaho Akhbar!

Yer see, Pepe, two simple truths, Mohammed was a pedophile and Islam is full of nasty ideology which makes it and socialists, whether commie's or nazis, buttbuddies, gets yer chopped or slammered in Pepe's Brave New Eurabia. And that's what you salivate at turning this country into.

So, c'mon, aristo chumpion du jour, let's see you get the dhimmicoppers to file charges against me. C'mon, live what you crap.


Tecumseh said...

Give it a couple more years of Pepe running the show, and it will come to that. The writing is on the wall.

Mr roT said... will be our backs.

Pepe le Pew said...


Pepe le Pew said...

it's rather comical though that this shit of a nation that had a former nazi as head of state not so long ago is bent on imposing political correctedness legally. I say bomb'em.

Mr roT said...

Sorry, Pepe. I was writing my attack while you were.

OK, I agree to send Osterreich to der teufel. But let them send me those cute blondies first.

Pepe le Pew said...

What now with this yawn?

Uncontrollable reflex triggered by aa's endless armaggedonesque islamophobic posts. Happens as soon as I see the title and in most cases it encourages me to not click on the link. Somehow I did this one time.

Tecumseh said...

Translated from Pepean newspeak, "islamophobic" means anything which is not 100% dhimmiesquely and obsequiously kissing Binnie's butt. Likewise, "right-wing" or "wingnut" means anyone oh-so-slightly less far-out pinko than Stalin.

Pepe le Pew said...

no, his islamic rants are just endless, tedious and circular. But our last comment is interesting - do ou see yourself as moderate ?

Pepe le Pew said...

your last comment, that is. some how the 'y's on my keyboard are frozen.

Tecumseh said...

Mon cher Pepe, I don't see myself as anything. I am who I am, and I don't give a whit how you place me on your political spectrum.

Mr roT said...

Eating at the frozen Y. Marriage in a nutshell?

Pepe le Pew said...

I don't give a whit how you place me on your political spectrum

Well, you are all giddy about distributing "pinko points" any occasion you have, surely you don't mind some comments in kind?

Arelcao Akleos said...

Pepe upchucked: "his islamic rants are just endless"
Nope, what Islam is doing is endless. You just ain't got the stomach to fess up to reality.

Sure, if the Aristo has made his life's ambition to die with a neck buried in sand, then to get a kick in the butt and yanked out of that sand no doubt gets mighty tedious.

Ih huh. Name one instance of a circular argument. C'mon, Little Neurons Deux, spark away and make the effort.
Oh, yeah, Logic. Ain't your thing. Makes it harder to keep that noggin' buried in sand without realizing what an Idjit you are. Pauvre France-wah.

"Our" comment? Royal wee, eh enfant gerbil?

Tecumseh said...

Pepe: Perhaps you have trouble with the structure of English sentences and/or Logic 101. When I say, "I don't give a whit how you place me on your political spectrum", I mean just that, especially since you yourself being so much out in Left field that you have already tripped over the Green Monster, and so anyone this side of Pol Pot looks like totally extreme right wing to you, thereby rendering your opinion less worthy of bothering with than a bucket of warm spit.

Arelcao Akleos said...

Your proposed example is not a circular argument, it is an example of repetition. Moron.

As for your asking as to "which of us is closer to the mainstream?", are you suggesting that being close to the mainstream, of whatever, is what you care about? Makes sense: that's what the Vichy Reich was all about in 1941, pseudo Bohemian left bank poseuring in the 50s, Gaulle-bladder and then Danny the Redder in the 60s and 70s, anti-Ricain fellow traveling in the 80s, Berkeley in the 90s, Huffponia in the 2000s.
There be PP, in the heart of the piss.
Now, why exactly do you think it is a good thing to be there?