Saturday, January 24, 2009

Dead Canaries Bring Glad Tide-ings to Planet Pepe

Soon, Inshallah, Soon, all those Ricains with unPepean thoughts will have a taste of Room 101, Brussels Way, Hague City, Eurabia.... Allaho Akhbar!


Tecumseh said...

Here's a good litmus test for whether a law makes any sense: If the "crime" in question can only be described using the word for an emotion, like "hate" or "phobia," then we have wandered into thought-police territory.

But that's precisely what gets Pepe salivating: the prospect of being a mini-Beria, and shipping countless "wreckers" to the salt mines, while of course setting aside the plum pickings for himself. Underneath all that pinko cant, cherchez le thought policeman.

Pepe le Pew said...

I am all for killing Rushdie: no matter what he writes, I can never get past page 5 and I don't know any one else that can. I suspect his books consist of nothing more than computer-generated random sequences of words, a very annoying literary scam that is best addressed by a public beheading.

Arelcao Akleos said...

"books consist of nothing more than computer-generated random sequences of words, a very annoying literary scam that is best addressed by a public beheading."

But, who beheads the beheader?

Pepe le Pew said...

one beheading at a time.

Arelcao Akleos said...

hmmmm "who shaves the barber who shaves only men who do not shave themselves?"

PP answer: One shaving at a time.

Tecumseh said...

Should call this Pepe's Paradox. As a matter of fact, any seemingly logical statement by Pepe is a paradox, if you try to unravel it.

Mr roT said...

I agree. I wasted a bunch of money on Midnight Children and Satanic Verses to impress some Indian chick and then couldn't get past the rave reviews on the cover.

I think he should die.

Tecumseh said...

By the same token, I could never get past page 10 of Ulysses, either in English, or in its French translation. Does this mean it's James Joyce's fault?

Pepe le Pew said...

come to think of it, i could never get passed page 5 of any book.

Mr roT said...

What about Hustler, Pepe?

Pepe le Pew said...

oh yeah, I knew there was one I read front to back. I did it twice actually.