Saturday, January 24, 2009

The War Is NOT Over Say Pepe's Puppeteers

Why should it be? After all, Little Ahmed hears this from Le Pew: "to the statement that the release of the AQ operative shows that the military does a piss poor job at establishing anybody's affiliation with IM. If anything, it further raises the question of whether the imprisonment of the others is justified."
And, as Little Ahmed, fresh from his studies of Harry Potter at Gitmo, can put two and two together to make four [five is only in PP arithmetic] he knows what the Ministry of Truth is trying to tell him through the mask of Pepe's pretended idiocy.
IF "the ricains let prisoners of war go free only for many to return to jihad" THEN "it is unjustified for ricains to keep any prisoners of war. All must go free". Which is truly marvelous, The more you wage War the less justified the Great Satan is in preventing you from engaging in War. So Absolute War makes any effort from the Ricains Absolutely Unjustified. Allaho Akhbar.
Who'd a thunk that, beneath his mask as Catamite for Kayla, Le Pew was FCPs ultimate Warmonger?.... Well, most of us have thunk it, but still lovely to see the Chumpion du Jour out hisself.


Pepe le Pew said...

The state of monotheism through victory and martyrdom
The state of monotheism through victory and martyrdom
The state of monotheism through victory and martyrdom

These guys are as tedious as you.

Arelcao Akleos said...

Not really, they are your tedium. I am your anti-tedium.

Tecumseh said...

Boy singing with choir: "Osama Bin Laden, America's worst nightmare, with the power of faith, and our weapon, the PK machine-gun.

"With the power of faith, and our weapon, the PK machine-gun.

"We have destroyed America with a civilian airplane - the World Trade Center was turned into rubble.

"The World Trade Center was turned into rubble.

"If they call me a terrorist, I consider this an honor.

Naah, don't worry -- Pepe will never call you a terrorist. This word simply is verboten in Newspeak. Pepe calls you a "freedom fighter", and ululates when you blow up things.