Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Kaus on this mess


Tecumseh said...

Pepe emotes. Rah, rah, rah.

Tecumseh said...

May as well bail out Kenya, while at it. It's just a question of printing dollars, right, Pepe? The supply is infinite, so are the demands. It all evens out.

Mr roT said...

I read a lot of stuff on HuffPo to the effect that this is a great day not just for stoopid america but for the world.
I guess they're expecting a big global warming of cash. Fuck them. Maybe the crisis will tie the Obamaton's hands so he can't do much harm. One hopes.

Tecumseh said...

Another party-pooper.

Mr roT said...

Melanie hasn't got the memo.

My Frontier Thesis said...

While the inauguration was swinging, I noticed two poles: either enraged GOP'ers ("THEY MAKE THIS ALL ABOUT RACE!") or swooning Political Liberals ("Martin Luther King's dream has come true!"). I've yet to meet anyone in the realm of reason and logic. Kaus had a pretty decent point for point analysis.

Tecumseh said...

How about jaded FCPers? Where do they fit in your manichaean dichotomy, MFT?

My Frontier Thesis said...

FCP'ers refer to MFT's categories as a Manichaean Dichotomy much in the same way that ex-Pats living in eastern Europe used to refer to everything as Kafka-esque.

Arelcao Akleos said...

In eastern europe, under PepeSoc, "kafka-esque" was a reliably accurate descriptor. Now, let's all enjoy MFT's Manichean Dichotomies.
Unless you be the kinda turd that don't enjoy Manichean Dichotomies, boy.