Monday, March 02, 2009

Clown of the blog


Arelcao Akleos said...

Not even an article to go with it? Even in trying for snark you can't make a good go of it.
What a useless mind you have.

Mr roT said...

Touchy touchy, huh AA? Look, girls aren't that important and aren't into the 'end is nigh' stuff nowadays. Now, I suggest a heapin helpin of hope and change and we are the penis you've been waiting for...

Might get further. Also, ditch the beard. Went out with Chester Arthur.

Arelcao Akleos said...

You are so out of touch, Rot. If you'd been more touchy touchy you'd know that girls can smell The Coming Power from a thousand camels away. Beards are gonna make a huge comeback, now that it's clear what the riders of the strong horse sport.
Chesty was just 150 years before his time, poor Fellah.