Thursday, March 19, 2009

Count de Monay

It's good to be da King. Meanwhile, Barone tallies the tab and Rove explains the bill.


Tecumseh said...

Says Rove: his current strategy has made him weaker than he was and weaker than he needs to be. It's turning into a costly two months for America's 44th president. Maybe. But it's certainly costly to the rest of us. Who's gonna pay the piper?

Tecumseh said...

By the way, has anyone noted the deafening silence from Pepe, when it comes to anything to do with the Administration, and its economic policies? Hmmm... In a classic case of diversionary tactics, he's railing instead against the "diabolical machinations" of Benny as regards French letters (or is it capotes anglaises?) Tells you as much as you need to know about the success of pinko-economics.

Mr roT said...

Tecs, one of the strengths of the pinkos is that they don't go after their own and start pulling for Kerry or Obama when they aren't completely satisfied, say, with W's vigor in pursuing the WOT.

Christopher Buckley (or Hitchens, for that matter) would make for poor true pinkos. They don't understand the stakes.

Tecumseh said...

I see what you mean, Mr Rot. But, is that really a strength? They did the same thing in Stalin's time -- praising the Great Leader all the way to the basement of the Lubyanka.