Wednesday, March 18, 2009


The Catholic Church has long been on the front line of HIV care, he said, adding that it is probably the largest private provider of HIV care in the world.

there is a definite arsonist firefighter whiff to this.


Mr roT said...

Yeah, Pepe. Those priesters actually are having a blast down there in Africa.

Tecumseh said...

Oh no, not this shit again. Pepe reminds me of La Rouchies: it's all a cabal by the Trilateral Commission, or what have you. For Pepe, it's either BushHitler, or the Pope running the world into the ground. Beyond pathetic.

Pepe le Pew said...

no worries: i couldn't possibly post as much about the pope than you guys about IM.

Mr roT said...

There isn't enough crime around. You can make shit up like you just did, but that's it.

I had a great conversation today with a chick at Rice that said religion (she meant the RCs) was all about keeping women down.

Wonderful how stupid these smart chicks are!

Pepe le Pew said...

There isn't enough crime around.

2000 of child-buggery is material a-plenty methinks

Mr roT said...

No, you made up in your post that the Catholic Church is motivated by seeing Africans croak in opposing the distribution of rubbers.

Benny 16 in fact has said that distributing rubbers is not as effective as convincing people to be moral.

This is of course debatable, but not BS out of hand. For the billions of rubbers the West has sent to Africa, there seems to be a fair amount of AIDS there. Similarly in Washington DC.

I don't agree with the church here but I don't see any motive on their part to go to Africa and help sick people other than a desire to do good.

Cynicism is fun, but not always truth.

About the buggery, I would guess that the priesters that are boning kids in Africa are using the rubbers as would you.

Tecumseh said...

That's what all Pepe can think of: using la capote anglaise, or not. That is the question. All other happenings in the world pale in comparison to this pinko existential question.

Pepe le Pew said...

This is of course debatable, but not BS out of hand.

Oh right, people are just going to flat out abstain from sex. en masse.
Rot. if this isn't BS, what is ?

Pepe le Pew said...

but more to the point, while the church doesn't specifically want to see africans croak, it clearly don't have a problem witnessing it happen as long as the dogma is respected. you would think Benny has been made aware of HIV/AIDS stats in africa and that limiting a tragedy which claims millions of lives would take precedence over obscure and archaic precepts.

the positive side of this callous disregard for human life of course is the pr disaster that this story is.

Pepe le Pew said...

...and, tec, are you ever able to make an argument beyond "well, pepe thinks this because he is a pinko" ?
i mean, surely your thought process isn't limited to
pepe = pinko
pinkos -> wrong
pepe -> wrong
surely you are also able to argue the merits?

Mr roT said...

Pepe, you're changing the subject, but I am pleased to see that you seem to have dropped the accusation in your initial post.

I still think the case is arguable that teaching the Africans is better than handing them rubbers and not BS out of hand.

The reason than AIDS spreads in Africa and DC is that the people are fucked up, not that there are too few rubbers.

Fixing the people may sound impossible, but passing the rubbers out is ineffective.

So there is no good way to keep those dumb people from boning each other sick except giant leper colonies for them.

Why don't you pull hard for that in the face of all this human tragedy?