Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Beautiful timing

Maf54: I want to see you
Teen: Like I said not til feb...then we will go to dinner
Maf54: and then what happens
Teen: we eat...we drink...who knows...hang out...late into the night
Maf54: and
Teen: I dunno
Maf54: dunno what
Teen: hmmm I have the feeling that you are fishing here...im not sure what I would be comfortable with...we'll see


My Frontier Thesis said...

Don't answer any e-mails from Florida representatives fellahs.

The Darkroom said...

Even better, the Speaker is now being blamed for this... by the Washington Times.
Could this culminate with impeachment hearings in a few months followed by a Nixonian abdication? Ok, ok I'm getting ahead of myself here.

Tecumseh said...

Aahhh, the wet dreams of the Left! They always wish to relive their youth by inflicting another Vietnam and another Watergate on the US. No pasaran!

Tecumseh said...

Of course, if it were Blly Boy fishing for interns -- no, wait, didn't that actually happen? Oh no, it was just the perfervid imagination of the vast right wing conspiracy!

My Frontier Thesis said...

This is exactly why politics is one of, if not thee, lowest, bland form of discourse humans can engage in. Anyhow, Pepe believes in guilt by party association -- by that logic, he's responsible for the Gulags; or a more contemporary analogy would be swapping French shit for Saddam Regime Oil.

Yeah, yeah, yeah: charge me again with the non-sequitur, Pepe. It's such a good defense.

The Darkroom said...

Billy boy was porking a grown woman, (a healthy endeavour by any standard) not a 16 y.o. boy - I would have thought that, of all people, you would know the difference.

The only issue here is age, not the fact that they are interns, and certainly not sexual orientation. So why the paradox with Debra Lafave ? Because, as a 13 yo boy, being molested by this woman would have been at the top of my xmas list. And so would you.

The Darkroom said...
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The Darkroom said...

But, people, it is election time. When reality does not matter any longer: it is, as we are now in the Rove era, all about how to hype down your opponent: my family has been traumatized by Mark Foley's behavior and we don't think we'll ever let out children out in the street again.

My Frontier Thesis said...

Foley needs to be sent to prison and have his forehead tattooed by Bubba.

The Darkroom said...

Maybe. In any case, you'll have to admit that the timing of this just couldn't get any better. I think I'll now proceed to wet my pants.

My Frontier Thesis said...

All this is speculation, and pretty boring, and pretty predictable: the Dems will portray anything the GOP does in negative terms, and the GOP will portray anything the Dem. Party does in negative terms.

Maybe Kinky, Jesse Ventura and Willie Nelson will mix it up in the Texas race.

Anything is better than Greens, pederast representatives, or Conventional Politicians. You too, Pepe, are part of the Establishment.

The Darkroom said...

You too, Pepe, are part of the Establishment.
I am ? No one told me. Time to collect that pay check, then.

My Frontier Thesis said...

Trust me, you've already cashed in.

The Darkroom said...

Good - the next round of drinks is on me, then.

Tecumseh said...

Billy boy was porking a grown woman

Oh, yeah? Depends on what the definition of "porking" is. Methinks that was not the case, it involved certain activities porks do not engage in, far as I know. Unless you want to concede at long last that BillyBoy lied like a rug when he wagged his finger in everyone's nose and famously said "I did not have... etc".

The Darkroom said...

Unless you want to concede at long last that BillyBoy lied like a rug when he wagged his finger in everyone's nose
I will concede no such thing. He was simply cornered into answering a question that was nobody's business but his own - and, save for some serious gloating, I would say the exact same thing if it were dubbyah.

Now that doesn't mean I don't understand the will to try and gain political advantage from such stories. But as you know, this seriously backfired as billy's popularity was never quite as high as it was during the impeachment hearings. The fact that it is unlikely that Foley is looked upon with as much indulgence is a clear indication that the public doesn't see the two stories as being equivalent.

Mr roT said...

Yes. Ken Starr and Co actually made Clinton look serious and statesmanlike in comparison to themselves.
Let's see if the Democrats can quietly tut-tut and let Foley writhe or if they will overdo it and sink their own ship.
They actually can overdo it because there is still no law broken (so far as has been reported, I think), while perjury is a crime. Period.

Tecumseh said...

while perjury is a crime. Period.

Not if perpretated by a bien-pensant darling of the pinko-lefty media: you get a don't -go-to-jail pass from them. And the 4th estate can influence the 3rd quite often in such cases, once they decide to fire up their propaganda engines.

Mr roT said...

Metaphor alert?

The Darkroom said...

while perjury is a crime. Period.
nah - there's perjury regarding important matters: lying about crimes committed. and there's perjury regarding trivial matters: I didn't litter, j-walk, cheat on my wife, etc... If you kill someone by accident, it isn't the same as premeditated murder.

Mr roT said...

Non sequitur alert?

The Darkroom said...

well i don't think it's a non-sequitur: you can't treat all perjuries the same, just like you don't treat all deaths caused by a third party the same.

The Darkroom said...

You guys should check this out. Make sure you watch the video on the RHS, particularly the bit when they blame it all on the 16 yos.

My Frontier Thesis said...

I watched it up until Drudge gave his radio commentary. Drudge is wrong, of course, in trying to shift the focus on the 16 year olds.

However, up to that point, I didn't see anything but investigative reporting that exposed Foley for the pederast that he is.

The Darkroom said...

This story is like a wool sweater: as long as you pull on the string the whole damn thing continues to unravel.

My Frontier Thesis said...

Isn't this turning into one of your "Media Circuses" that you claim to loathe, Pepe?

The Darkroom said...

Absolutely. But when it's for a good cause, one has to deal with the drawbacks.