Sunday, October 15, 2006

Fun with Unguided Rockets

A couple points about the Times story: First, the rocket club are deemed a 'cult'. OK, no harm done, I suppose. Second, it is mentioned without comment that guidance systems in these guys' birds are forbidden by federal law. I am not a big RKBA guy particularly, but how is it that anyone who wants to can own a machine gun (and an artillery piece?) but having a gyro in his hobby rocket gets the ATF (is it?) on his tail?


Tecumseh said...

Coanda (and bud) rulz:

In 1923 Hermann Oberth (1894-1989) published a study, "The Rocket in the Interplanetary Space," in which he put forward the theoretic basis of the operating possibility of the liquid-fueled rocket (later tested in a laboratory). Most of Oberth's work was done in the Romanian cities of Sighisoara and Medias between 1924 and 1938.

Beat Goddard by a mile! Good to see they still think of this in Texas.

Tecumseh said...

And this guy beat Goddard by almost 400 years:

Conrad Hass (1551-1579), an artillery engineer and chief of arsenal of the town of Sibiu [..] wrote about the construction and the flight tests of multistage rockets, apparently the earliest writings in existence about the science of rocket engineering.

Mr roT said...

Here. I will help with html, AI, since it doesn't come from Romania (yet).

Tecumseh said...

Didn't Al Gore invent html?