Tuesday, October 03, 2006

guess who the victim is


My Frontier Thesis said...

Pepe, I personally think that if these accusations are true (which it's looking pretty conclusive), then Foley needs to go to jail.

You, however, told me that society compels criminals to act the way they act. How do you rationalize this? And can you elaborate on what you mean by "guess who the victim is"?

Politically, you'd be smarter to attack both the Catholic clergy and Foley on this one. What gives?

Tecumseh said...

Pepe is quick to cast stones on anyone to the right of l'Infidel Castr'e. Foley is a scumbag, no question about it. But I wonder what is Pepe's opinion of those two "tribunes of the people, Sudds and Frank, who got caught in much more compromising situations, yet got a free pass from the liberal intelligentsia, of coures.

Being "bien pensant" means getting a free pass, heh?

The Darkroom said...

Foley is trying to justify his behavior by passing himself for a victim of child abuse - guess who the victime is: it's Foley !

The Darkroom said...

ai - the article doesn't say anything about the age of the page Sudds was involved with. Do you know ?- that would be the crucial issue imo.

As far as Frank goes, "What happened to Frank? The House voted 408-18 to reprimand him" I don't know the details either but it seems both reps & dems voted for the reprimand. That being said, if the characterization of events as presented by this (clearly biased) article is correct, a slap on the wrist sounds like he got off really easy.

The Darkroom said...

You, however, told me that society compels criminals to act the way they act.
The environment can explain certain criminal behavior but it isn't necessarily behind every criminal act - it is obviously not the case here. But this is precisely the defense Foley is trying to pull by casting himself as the victim (that is the point of this post).

The Darkroom said...

ai - If anything, the episode reveals the Democrats' hypocrisy about their own behavior. The fact that Foley resigned virtually within minutes of being told that ABC News had copies of his salacious e-mails and text messages indicates he at least felt shame for his actions. Can the same be said for Democrats?
the implication here is that the democrats shouldn't use the political pull this boon of a story brings them. Can you think of any reason why they should just move on?

Mr roT said...

Why they should just move on: Because if they overplay this they will look like Ken Starr. Except Ken Starr wasn't also caught with his hand in a kid's pants.

Not to worry, though. The media will this time take the side of the Democrats against the icky gay guy and so said Democrats will be able to sit back and say it's all such a shame...

As AI has pointed out, if it were Barney Frank and anyone made a peep about this, Gail Collins would show up with the Howitzers a-blastin' to defend him and blame everything on the Catholic chirch.

Tecumseh said...

Yes, life is a bitch. That's the only point I was trying to make. But JJ amplified it better, when he pointed out the unholy alliance between one of the parties and the press -- the two being intrinsically entertwined for more thna 40 years now, and almost indistinguishable ideologically. The pas-de-deux they do whenever a member of the opposite party gets caught with his pants down (or with hbis hands in the cookie jar) is an opera buffa, which one may as well relax, and enjoy watching for its comedic, scripted aspects.

But seriously now, and taking some distance from the sturm und drang, does anyone think this sad state of affairs (the 4th estate being in the sack with one of the parties) is healthy?

The Darkroom said...

Being "bien pensant" means getting a free pass, heh?
"Bien-pensant" means "hollier than thou" (he who only thinks right).

Mr roT said...

'Bien pensant' is better translated as smug, morally superior. Like John Kerry.

The Darkroom said...

Because if they overplay this they will look like Ken Starr. Except Ken Starr wasn't also caught with his hand in a kid's pants.
I think they are willing to bet that it won't happen this way - there was an outpour of sympathy for clinton (and against Starr) when his marital pecadillos went public - the same cannot be said so far of Foley.

Mr roT said...

He's probably already hung or Foley would have left him alone.

The Darkroom said...

think foley's a bottom ?