Thursday, October 19, 2006

Musha and Busha Get Tunkued

Yeah, no doubt Tunku also has his own agenda.........but he makes a point of pointing to points so obvious it is unsettling that so few seem to get the point of those points. This is Pointillism, Komraden


Tecumseh said...

In the meantime, AQ in Pak is putting Big Ben in its crosshairs. Will the Brits do something about it, or keep wringing their hands, paralyzed as the mongoose in the cobra's stare?

Arelcao Akleos said...

I bet the Brits bring the wringing hand

My Frontier Thesis said...

AI, the story doesn't say anything about Big Ben being specifically targeted by al queda, however, the idiot journalist who wrote this story gave who knows how many more Jihadists the idea to attack the British Benjamin Clock. Why didn't the journalist show a picture of his or her own office space, and say, "Al queda is going to attack."