Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Oh, shit

This idiot should be shot! Why would such a moron have to have such a painting, instead of, say, the Museum of Fine Arts? At times likes this, it gets hard to defend Kapitalism against all the pinko-lefty assaults, but one must keep one's perspective, and look at the big picture. Still, this klutz deserves the gallows, methinks -- or, at the very least, confiscation of his loot.


My Frontier Thesis said...

AI, this is absolutely great: I think the Picasso shouldn't be repaired. Rather, it should be put on public display, elbow hole and all. It's still art (afterall, Nietzsche told us you need to destroy before you can make art). But it serves to symbolize the degenerate nature that epitomizes the Vegas strip, both new and old.

It's one of the fastest growing cities in America -- AND IT'S BUILT IN THE FUCKING DESERT!!!

Wynn is a classless degenerate billionaire, and unfortunately he's a small part of America that the world associates with the broader whole.

This incident kind of reminds me of a book that arrived in the mail today.

Tecumseh said...

Wynn is a classless degenerate billionaire, and unfortunately he's a small part of America that the world associates with the broader whole.

Amen to that -- could not have put it better. The sad thing (among many others) is that this will give grist to the mill of you-know-who. Oh, merde.

The Darkroom said...

only you could have thought of relating this story to the commie-pinko-libero-stalinists...

My Frontier Thesis said...

Vegas by and large is Consumerism run amuk. Adam Smith would likely frown on what's going on these days (he's dead so I'm not 100% certain on that).

Wynn should be paraded around as the Emperor was with or without his clothes. The man (if we could call him that) is so good at representing what is wrong with America -- we don't even need to comment or act or anything. The dipshit speaks so loud himself, he doesn't even know it either.

Mr roT said...

I think that for good measure, the Picasso should be burned...along with all the de Koonigs and Pollocks they can find. After that the Rauschenbergs, the Miros, the Chagalls, the Kandinskiis,...

Burn everything back to about Corot and start over again.

Diane Arbus among the photogs should be the first to be euthanized...

Oh, so much trash that passes as masterpiece!

Tecumseh said...

Some are crap, some are good. C'mon, JJ, you can't generalize so blithely. I'm as disgusted by some of the modern "art" as you, but still, one must keep one's ability to distinguish the wheat from the chaff.

As for Vegas, I don't plan to ever go there. What's there to see, besides one-armed-bandits?

My Frontier Thesis said...

AI, you can also go to see degenerate used car salesmen lose a shit-ton of money on the roulette wheel, step outside and see jets of water fire into the evening air, all while riding on a pseudo gondolla in the pseudo canals of pseudo Venice.

JJ didn't take it far enough: it's not that we don't need Euro art -- we don't even need Europe!

My Frontier Thesis said...

*Disclaimer: For you non-jokesters out there, MFT saying "we don't need Europe" was meant in a sarcastic way, playing off JJ's claim that Picasso's works are unnecessary. In a serious vein, MFT still supports the existence of Europe. Thank you.