Sunday, October 15, 2006


Pepe, this is the same guy who you commended for having the most lucid, intelligent post on this blog to date -- he said we should listen to the leaders in the mid-East which, of course, is a statement that implies we weren't already. Now he wants the Democrats to stop obsessing over a Republican Head Hunt because NK has a frickin a-bomb. Here's what he has to say:

The American people are really having focus problems. North Korea and Iran are trying desperately to join the nuclear club, and North Korea has just detonated some kind of nuclear device under its troubled, starving soil. Meanwhile, we debate endlessly whether Dennis Hastert should resign as speaker of the House of Representatives because of a rogue congressman who has resigned in disgrace.

Is there nothing that will shake us out of our frivolity? The Foley-page scandal is serious, of course, but we all know there have been sex scandals before and there will be sex scandals again, and the republic will endure. If this one didn't involve the Internet and gay sex, it wouldn't be gripping our national attention. Remember, we were obsessing over our last congressional sex scandal, Gary Condit and Chandra Levy, just before 9-11-2001.

We need to focus. This is way more serious than the World Trade Center and Pentagon attacks. This is Armageddon.... If Iran and North Korea get nuclear bombs, all bets are off. Their constitutions do not contain enough checks and balances to insure that they will make rational choices.

Note: I addressed everyone as "bastards" in the most egalitarian vein, and only after I read that JJ did it too. I will refrain from bringing the phrase "little bitches" into Free Counter Point, choosing instead to use it when I ask my brother to pass the salad dressing at dinner (eg, "Pass the ranch you little bitch."). It feels good to be polite again. I've learned my lesson.


Mr roT said...

Link to Pepe's post?

Mr roT said...

Found it.

Mr roT said...

It feels good to be polite again. I've learned my lesson.

My Frontier Thesis said...

JJ, that jpg isn't showing up right. It's just a scrambling of numbers and letters.

Mr roT said...

Hit your refresh. Goddamn blogger does that from time to time.

My Frontier Thesis said...

Got it. The enlarged version is much better. It looks like it might have been a bit cold in that room when the photo was taken?

Mr roT said...

Warm enough for me in that room no matter what the thermostat's set at. This work the first time?

My Frontier Thesis said...

Yes, and as far as thermodynamics go, I was alluding to what appeared to be a nice little pointed summit below Miss Fujiwan's left shoulder.

Mr roT said...

Cute, huh?

Tecumseh said...

Remember that pic with JJ drooling at Mrs. Lafave's feet?

Mr roT said...

Mrs.? Never drool at married women.

Tecumseh said...

I didn't say she is married. But the name is that of her ex-husband, so I think the proper form of address (unless one is terminally PC, like JJ, or terribly lazy, and uses "Ms"), is Mrs.

Mr roT said...

Call Miss Manners!

My Frontier Thesis said...

mft to Miss Manners: "Pass the ranch you little bitch."

The Darkroom said...

Meanwhile, we debate endlessly whether Dennis Hastert should resign as speaker of the House of Representatives because of a rogue congressman who has resigned in disgrace
Their is no loss of focus here: the focus is on the election. There is no argument that foley's behavior is largely inconsequential and undeserving of anything beyond barring him from his job as a representative. But this isn't a time for niceties - all is fair in love, war & politics it seems. Clinton doesn't inhale ? You still hear aboutr it 12 years later. Gore invents the internet ? Same story. Time to hit back.

f Iran and North Korea get nuclear bombs, all bets are off. Their constitutions do not contain enough checks and balances to insure that they will make rational choices.
right - and I wonder how far their self-preservation instinct will take us. Best to engage them & build common bridges.

The Darkroom said...

The hypocrisy argument cannot be dismissed. This crisis comes at a time when American prestige in the world - even among our closest allies - is at an all-time low. Our closest friends don't really trust us any more, and a significant majority of the world's people would rank us as the nation most likely to use nuclear weapons, partly because our own defense planners have been fantasizing about how they might be employed in the current world crisis. If we want the world to grant us any moral authority in this grave moment, we must start by showing that we understand what's at stake. We ought to unilaterally reduce our nuclear stockpile by 25 percent and invite every other member of the nuclear club to follow suit, beginning with Israel.
yes - that would go a long way in restoring america's battered image but we can't even go there with the present administration. the modus operandi is do as i say, not as i do. But the pendulum will swing back.

My Frontier Thesis said...

The pendulum will swing back? Certainly you're more educated than that, Pepe, to think that history operates on some big, "if this happens, then that will happen."

Your folly is lumping me in with your mythical perception of what a neo-con or Conservative is. I don't give a shit about Gore or Clinton, and I don't care if he inhaled or not. Legalize pot, I don't smoke it and I don't care. Do you even know what the disparities between Classical Liberal/Libertarian and contemporary Conservative/Neo-Con are?

C'mon, man: spend some more time with the humanities profs and get away from those goddamned social "scientists."

the modus operandi is do as i say, not as i do.

Yes, that's exactly how every single human being has lived their life. Your point?

But the pendulum will swing back.

See, Pepe, your comments are a subtle allusion to you grinning at the deaths of Americans and Allies, a fine appetizer while we await AA's empirical proof.

Meanwhile, Kim Il of NK has no choice but to taunt the World with Nukes -- he'd look like a little bitch before his own country if he ever backed down. You want to "build a bridge" (remember, it takes a village).

The Darkroom said...

your comments are a subtle allusion to you grinning at the deaths of Americans and Allies
? i am referring to the political pendulum.

The Darkroom said...

the modus operandi is do as i say, not as i do.

Yes, that's exactly how every single human being has lived their life. Your point?

My point is that the US is not in a moral position to encourage nukular disarmement.

My Frontier Thesis said...
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My Frontier Thesis said...

To: Reverend Pepe Le Pew

The U.S. is in every bit of position to denounce other countries who are acquiring or trying to acquire nukes.

Why do you have to bring up "morality," a word that is oh-so rooted in the do-as-i-say, not-as-i-do; a word that's disguised as being embedded in granite, while neglecting to show its foundation of sand. You sound like a televangelical Baptist.

Your worldview is hilarious, Pepe. I just want to take a moment to thank you for reinvigorating my Libertarian ethos. If it wasn't for you, it's unlikely that I'd be so outspoken.

From: mft, the Heathen

The Darkroom said...

The U.S. is in every bit of position to denounce other countries who are acquiring or trying to acquire nukes.
We can debate this all you want and you might even want to justify your position, but i was referring to the image of the us abroad - that it is perceived as not being in the moral position to impose its views on nuclear armament to anyone, independently from whether or not you or I think it is.

The Darkroom said...

Why do you have to bring up "morality,"

this may be a poor choice of words - i am referring to the inconsistency there is between holding the largest stockpile of nuclear armament on the planet while exhorting others not to. morality may not be the right substantive there but whatever it is, it's pretty damn close.

The Darkroom said...

You sound like a televangelical Baptist.
when i am on break from being a petainist, i have fantasies of being jimmy swaggart.

Mr roT said...

Swaggart was a putainist, no?

The Darkroom said...

very, very good.

Arelcao Akleos said...

27 comments on this? Eheu