Tuesday, October 17, 2006

very cool


Mr roT said...

Wow. Interesting that the guy's from Flint, MI. If he'd used some of those smarts for the auto industry they might not be in such a jam.
Also maybe he could raise up Michael Moore after a mega size massacre at McDonald's without hydraulics.
BTW, Why wasn't Stonehenge in the New 7?

Tecumseh said...

Cool! The guy must have a strong back -- just watching him move those cement blocks around gave me a back-ache.

Why wasn't Stonehenge in the New 7?

Ummm.... It's in there, JJ, if only you knew how to click on it, Powwww!!! Where's my 137th bottle of VCP?

Mr roT said...


Arelcao Akleos said...

No Pale-Weenie? You have your standards, we have ours.

Mr roT said...

AA! Your Pacific Standard Time coincides with my Eastern Drunken Time. Why don't you ever call? You know I have some Jewish mother in me. Or at least your mother thought I had some Jewish in me...