Monday, October 16, 2006

The WH dissed the wackos????

who woulda thunk ?

nice timing here again.


My Frontier Thesis said...

And what do you think the Dems are saying about "Deep Ecologists" and Green Peace?

My Frontier Thesis said...

We'd almost think Pepe would embrace a little cut towards, as they call 'em, the Religious Right. But alas: Pepe's hatred of Bush runs deeper than his resentment towards Evangelicals., this is not news.

Mr roT said...

This is just another little October surprise the media are engineering to humiliate our dear leader. How can you be cynical about everything else?

The Darkroom said...

This is just another little October surprise the media are engineering to humiliate our dear leader
The media got bogged down with the gay marriage "debate" last time around. As non-issues go, this one will do just as fine.

The Darkroom said...

The dems are contemplating letting green peace run the show in their place? What is the equivalent of the "faith-based" initiative that would be run by green peace?

My Frontier Thesis said...

I think I understand your question right, Pepe.

Al Gore has a pretty good following. Even after the release of his apocalyptic Mother Earth movie. It was received with open arms. People asked me, "Have you seen Al Gore's new movie!?!" I guess it was pretty moving. A large swath of Dems love fabricating this looming doom just as much as Religious Right loves telling me I better repent cause we don't know when those Holy horns are gonna go BfbbBfBfBbpp-PPfPfPfppfpPPpt-FFtttTTfff!!!!

Mr roT said...

Not a bad attempt at religio-equivalence, mft. I don't think it holds much better than Pepe's Islam = Christianity = New Age since the ecomullahs at least pay lip service to scientific evidence.

Maybe better to equate ecomullahs to the intelligent design crowd.


The Darkroom said...

right - except that ecomullahs don't influence policy in dem administrations... I don't think there is any equivalence.

Mr roT said...

Ecoimam al-Gore probably has some influence in high Democrat circles. He has been discredited just about sufficiently to really get some attention in the dizzying heights inhabited by those aquiline visionaries like Howard Dean.

Tecumseh said...

To me, all these manufactured scandals and revelations smack of a deliberate attempt on the part of the Dems/MSM at voter intimidation -- keeping the Religious Right from voting. Of course, the pinko-lefties would be howling bloody murder if Bush & co where trying to do even 1% of this dirty trick to one of their constitutencies, but in this case, they applaud what basically amounts to electoral fraud.

The Darkroom said...

smack of a deliberate attempt on the part of the Dems/MSM at voter intimidation -- keeping the Religious Right from voting

kind of the mirror policy of trying to encourage them to vote by trumpetting the gay marriage boogeyman ?

The Darkroom said...

but in this case, they applaud what basically amounts to electoral fraud
how do you figure this is fraud ????

My Frontier Thesis said...

Pepe, the Eco-Caliphs don't influence Dem administration and policy is, to say the least, short-sighted. Why would there be such a debate about drilling for oil in ANWR, or anywhere else for that matter? Even coffee provides a catalyst for serious political haranguing ("Fair" trade and fair trade; coffee producing nations that are not economically as well-off as America).

In the U.S.S.A. (United Socialist States of America), politicians from the Right and Left got their fingers in every aspect of our lives. That's how it is. No stopping any of it.

I'm guessing you're not a Euro-Green?

Tecumseh said...

how do you figure this is fraud ????

Voter suppression is electoral fraud. Just look up the Voting Act of 1964.

Arelcao Akleos said...

Very late

The Darkroom said...

Voter suppression is electoral fraud. Just look up the Voting Act of 1964.

right but how is this voter suppression? aren't these people free to do as they choose?