Sunday, October 08, 2006

Wheatcroft's patience is wearing thin

All over the country the politically correct have abandoned Nativity plays, decreed there must be "season's greetings" rather than "Happy Christmas" messages and tried to abandon our traditions in an effort not to cause offence. Sounds like the ACLU is alive and well in England, too. Do the pinko-Lefties have anything else to do in life besides ranting and raving against Christmas trees?

The chador-clad female might argue that the opposite style of attire to her own, in which great swathes of flesh go unclad and bra straps and thong tops are displayed, is far more likely to cause offence than her modesty. Fine with me. Maybe JJ is offended?


Mr roT said...

How about this?

As to nekkid chicks, I don't know what your beef is, AI? I don't remember you complaining about the scantilies outside 'Sunset'.

Tecumseh said...

Beef? What beef? Perhaps "Fine with me" gets lost in the translation to JJ-speak?

As for Norwegian taxis: well, what can I say? Europe is reaping what it has sown. If I'd be there, I'd seriously think of packing and going to Reykjavik or something. But perhaps Versailles is immune to all this sturm und drang?