Saturday, October 14, 2006

Bolton's Roman Salute and Forelock Say It All

... I admit the moustache is a bit off, but...


Arelcao Akleos said...

Hitler's salute is indeed a thing of perfection, aiming precise at an angle of 27 degrees in alignment with the wunderbarian V2 rocketry of his wet dreams. Bolton looks nothing like that. In fact he looks like a 10th grader who has to raise his hand, before the whole class, after the teacher asks which cretin had left his name off an exam [being waved before all] on which the mark is 3/100....And Bolton's sad moustache is to Hitler's as Giapetto's is to Stalin's.
Some are just not meant for moustaches, as I know too well.

Mr roT said...

And that lousy schoolteacher is Kofi Annan. Not quite zee Führer's idea of a schulmeister?

My Frontier Thesis said...

JJ, Bolton's moustache looks a little more like this one.

Mr roT said...

Wow. Either with us or against us, huh?

My Frontier Thesis said...

Chamberlain smacks more of the wishy-washy attitude of the entire U.N. So what, the U.N. denounces N.K. Big deal, and everyone knows it, especially N.K.

I'll be the first to alert you fellahs if I see any of northern Dakota ICBMs leaving contour trails as they leave the northern Great Plains. By that time, we'll probably have a good 6 minutes before the N.K. nukes start hitting the States -- enough time to enjoy at least one more choice beer.

The only question left: if you had six minutes to drink a choice beer, would you savor a couple swallows, not caring if you finished it before the white light; or would you chug away?

Mr roT said...

One final sacramental beer. Chug and go for the gusto.

My Frontier Thesis said...

Ah, JJ, the Romans would've loved you as a gladiator. At least in the sense that you'd be remembered, just before the white light, for chugging as many Fullers as possible within 6 minutes. It's way cooler than crying to mama (which I'm told you've been dubbed?).