Saturday, October 14, 2006

Challenge of the Day

Distinguish Buckley's prose from official NKian. Here they have been conveniently juxtaposed. The hilariously pompous and the hilariously pompous.


Tecumseh said...

the possibility that he has a nuclear warhead gestating or even actualized.

The immanence of the eschaton is catching up with WFB. I still think he used to kick ass 25-30 years ago.

Mr roT said...

It is widely noted that for all that he thinks of himself as a leader with a divine afflatus to bring to his people and the world the fruits of Juche (the North Korean variant of Leninism, with a little Ayn Rand mixed in), he is himself a man of total self-indulgence, devoted to porn, Scotch and Daffy Duck cartoons.

I haven't laughed so hard in years.

Tecumseh said...

Daffy, indeed. Pardon my ignorance, but what's afflatus?

Mr roT said...

Some where between flatulence and fellatio.

Arelcao Akleos said...

The guy is approaching the Last Days, JJ, you wanna me to train Cassandra to scrutinize your prose in your dotage? I'll be long rotted by then, but someone has to then remind you of the infinite irony of life's justice.

Arelcao Akleos said...

JJ, "somewhere between flatulence and fellatio" talkin' 'bout your dick, man? Whooeeee, Central Square has made you careful with your tongue.

Mr roT said...

Please continue to tell Cassandra I am a nice man, AA. Kids know when they are big that parents were continually lying to them for their own good.