Monday, October 02, 2006

Cool! Go Sego!

Blast the commie environmentalists!


The Darkroom said...

If that's the best they can find to embarrass segolene, this election is going to be a shoe-in.

Mr roT said...

I think it might help, after all, "Le PS retrouve des couilles". BTW, it's "shoo-in".
Goddamn foreigners...

Tecumseh said...

So what's the difference between the Socialists and, say, the Chiraqists? All a bunch of pinko-nanny-staters-surrender-monkeys in my book.

The Darkroom said...

I wish the chiraquiens would see it your way and vote with the socialists.

Tecumseh said...

On the other hand, there is Sarko. He seems like the only French politician who thinks more-or-less rationally, and also has some balls.

The Darkroom said...

Sarko's economic platform would likely be preferable to the country than the socialists'. But on social issues, he is an moralistic obscurantist with Le Penian accents. if the socialists would move in the direction of the Labor Party on economic matters, there would be no dilema. Unfortunately, they are pulled by the powerful left-wing, not unlike the republican party with the evangelicals.

Mr roT said...

he is an moralistic obscurantist with Le Penian accents Excellent. You should send this in to Social Text.

The Darkroom said...

Social text
sorry - i don't get it.

Mr roT said...

Gif: Google is fundamental. Link.

The Darkroom said...

Sounds interesting. I'll look for it.