Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Goodbye, reconquista


Mr roT said...

Hello rereconquista?

Mr roT said...

Continue a (short) tradition like democracy? Good point. Nutless bastards don't have it in them anyhow. Build a madrassa.

The Darkroom said...

like democracy, nah - it's more a tradition like having neonazis parading in jewish neighborhoods: sure it's free speech but noone needs this form of expression.

My Frontier Thesis said...

I've already contacted Homeland Security, Pepe. We're way ahead of you.

The Darkroom said...


i am looking forward to being sodimized by young bucks in sexy uniform under the vivifying cuban weather.

My Frontier Thesis said...

You know, Pepe, I don't think the Cubans look too fondly towards beastiality.

The Darkroom said...

You are misinformed, my friend: I hear it's a way of life in Guantanamo

Mr roT said...

Who is saying this, Pepe? Michael Moore?

The Darkroom said...

abu ghraib interrogation practices were imported from guantanamo.

Mr roT said...

Who is saying this? Michael Moore, again?