A. K. A. Loose Canon
Hello rereconquista?
Continue a (short) tradition like democracy? Good point. Nutless bastards don't have it in them anyhow. Build a madrassa.
like democracy, nah - it's more a tradition like having neonazis parading in jewish neighborhoods: sure it's free speech but noone needs this form of expression.
I've already contacted Homeland Security, Pepe. We're way ahead of you.
figures. i am looking forward to being sodimized by young bucks in sexy uniform under the vivifying cuban weather.
You know, Pepe, I don't think the Cubans look too fondly towards beastiality.
You are misinformed, my friend: I hear it's a way of life in Guantanamo
Who is saying this, Pepe? Michael Moore?
abu ghraib interrogation practices were imported from guantanamo.
Who is saying this? Michael Moore, again?
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Hello rereconquista?
Continue a (short) tradition like democracy? Good point. Nutless bastards don't have it in them anyhow. Build a madrassa.
like democracy, nah - it's more a tradition like having neonazis parading in jewish neighborhoods: sure it's free speech but noone needs this form of expression.
I've already contacted Homeland Security, Pepe. We're way ahead of you.
i am looking forward to being sodimized by young bucks in sexy uniform under the vivifying cuban weather.
You know, Pepe, I don't think the Cubans look too fondly towards beastiality.
You are misinformed, my friend: I hear it's a way of life in Guantanamo
Who is saying this, Pepe? Michael Moore?
abu ghraib interrogation practices were imported from guantanamo.
Who is saying this? Michael Moore, again?
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