Friday, October 06, 2006

Looks Good

One of the deep thinkers on Anita Hill's panel is Soros' minion. Have a look at the title of her talk. Here's another deep thinker.
A reviewer/acolyte writes of this last Aristotle's latest publicationThe result is an immensely informative book that will surely succeed in persuading most readers that homoerotic relations (even perhaps marriages) between women in the Roman era were both widely acknowledged to exist and generally denounced as "unnaturally" transgressive of the gender hierarchy inscribed by phallic penetration.
AI, Tertullian and Clement of Alexandria make an appearance in this review.


Tecumseh said...

No access to project muse from where I am. But somehow I don't think I miss much..

Mr roT said...

It's pretty weird man. There's some crazy profwoman that says the US prison system is state-sanctioned slavery of black women.
Reminds me of Iowahawk's Padre Island prof blast with Ward Churchill, here.