Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Pepe! Quit reproducing!


The Darkroom said...

People would become choosier about their sexual partners, causing humanity to divide into sub-species, he added.
I'm glad i won't be around - life is hard enough as it is today.

Mr roT said...

yeah. and what's wrong with short, fat, and dim-witted?

The Darkroom said...

few people know this but most women go nuts over short, fat & dim-witted guys. At least that's how i justify my total lack of success.

Tecumseh said...

But in the nearer future, humans will evolve in 1,000 years into giants between 6ft and 7ft tall, while life-spans will have extended to 120 years

Aren't we already there?

Mr roT said...

No, AI. Right now the men that are between 6 and 7 feet tall are the dim-witted ones. Powww!!

The Darkroom said...


Tecumseh said...

At times, I feel it;s true. Like, when I did not believe JJ when he told me Alitalia sucks. It does, in spades. I could tell you stories, but le me spare you the gory details, which include the stewardess spilling reddish orange juice all over me, then not even apologising, but rather, pointing her finger at me, and saying, "it's all your fault"! Maybe that's what Italian women are trained to say since they are in diapers? Or perhaps, it's a product of nanny-State, socialist work-ethic? Or perhaps it's just 6-7 feet tall men who are just dim-wittted? Quick, MFT, we need a study!

My Frontier Thesis said...

Physical appearance, driven by indicators of health, youth and fertility, will improve, he says, while men will exhibit symmetrical facial features, look athletic, and have squarer jaws, deeper voices and bigger penises.

Women, on the other hand, will develop lighter, smooth, hairless skin, large clear eyes, pert breasts, glossy hair, and even features, he adds. Racial differences will be ironed out by interbreeding, producing a uniform race of coffee-coloured people.

This reminds me of that scene from Dr. Strangelove (see AI's pic) where the Nazi General... uh, I mean, a commander, is giving the scenario about what it's going to be like in the underground bunker -- something like 10 perfect babes for every awesome dude.

It's difficult to take a Doctor with the last name Curry seriously.

The Darkroom said...

pointing her finger at me, and saying, "it's all your fault"!
Did you feel her up ?

Mr roT said...

Pepe! Very smart. Have you shrunk down to 5'11"?

Mr roT said...

You make 12 billion bucks at it, Mr Artiste.

Arelcao Akleos said...

pepe le pew said...
few people know this but most women go nuts over short, fat & dim-witted guys. At least that's how i justify my total lack of success.

But, fear not, Pepita. With surgery and grubbery you can make up for the lack of the first two.

My Frontier Thesis said...

I refuse to click on the blue "jerking off to porn" link that Pepe provided.

Mr roT said...

How about this? It has an AA pedigree.

Tecumseh said...

pointing her finger at me, and saying, "it's all your fault"!
Did you feel her up ?

No. I was talking to the guy next to me (an Ukrainian) about how Europe is going down the drain because of drop in natality and other factors (discussed at length in this space by several of us) when the $%&*!@@! stewardess crept up from behind, and without warning reached out to the other guy with the bloody juice. At that instant, my gesticulating hand hit the damn glass of juice, and splotch!! down it went all over me! Alitalia sucks, big time. Spending 5 hours twiddling my thumbs in Malapesta with orange juice all over me was no fun. Should I sue?

My Frontier Thesis said...

JJ, I don't have the plug-in, and I refuse to install one for the sole purpose of porn (I am, afterall, a professional).

AI, were you gesticulating in a manner that's shown on your blogger pic? Damn flight attendant should've seen that coming. The stewardesses are way more babe-like on Turkish Air. Virgin Air has some Royal ass too.

Tecumseh said...

Yes, I was doing my impersonation of "Buck" Turgidson while waxing eloquent about the perils to Western Civ. Still, no reason not to warn me off of the impending peril of flying juice. This is what nanny-state work force does for you. And, I'm pretty sure I will not get any sympathy from JJ - he's of the deeply-held belief that one must kick a man while he's down.

The Darkroom said...

he's of the deeply-held belief that one must kick a man while he's down
well, if the guy is bigger than you and you gotta kick'im, better wait till he's down...

Tecumseh said...

They can't even make decent OJ outside the US. the Euro juice is typically a mixture of saccharine and red #5 (the ingredient that messes up your clothes when spilled). For all their pretensions about superior food -- which oftentimes have a basis in fact -- the Euros will never be able to make OJ like in Florida, or a T Bone steak like in Texas, or a lobster like in Maine.

Mr roT said...

What nonsense. The steak the Europeans could have trouble with but anyone wanting a watery boiled lobster deserves his Maine one and anyone referring a Florida orange to a Sicilian one is more blinded by a flag than listening to his tastebuds.

My Frontier Thesis said...

Lobsters are bottom-feeders, sort of like an edible roach. They are over-rated, from the Carib clawless to the Maine pinchers.

JJ, from my experience, AI is right about orange juice. Are you blinded by an Italian or a Spanish Floridian flag? Everyone knows there's better food in the New World.

And to the hell with nationalism: I've never eaten a steak anywhere in America or Europe that, after I bite into it, I say, "Well, that's better than I can do it." The last good steak someone else made (and someone else, ahem, paid for) was in Montana. Otherwise, I prefer to grill my own, on my grill, under my terms.

The Darkroom said...

They can't even make decent OJ outside the US. the Euro juice is typically a mixture of saccharine and red #5
...and it's $50/pint.