Tuesday, October 17, 2006

New 7 wonders

What should they be?


My Frontier Thesis said...

Whatever they are, I just want to say thanks Pepe.

Tecumseh said...

You mean, for the Statue of Liberty? Yes, that's a good one, it should be somewhere at the top (so should the Eiffel tower).

But how about Mt. Rushmore, how come it didn't make it on the list? Actually, I never seen it -- is it worth making the effort?

Mr roT said...

The Statue of Liberty among the wonders of the world? Why? As art? As architecture? Where's the Pantheon? It wipes its ass with all these except the Taj Mahal and the Khmer temple. Giza and the Great Wall are among the Ancient Wonders.

Tecumseh said...

C'mon, JJ, you know this must be a PC exercise, so they picked vraious sites according to a distribution which is as uniform as possible, and not be completely risible. As a result, yes, there goes the Pantheon. Oh, well, that's PC for you -- once you start down the slippery slope of not matching cases (like in "they is", which you use all the time, so as to avoid the dreaded "he"), this is where you get. Decline and Fall of Western Civ...

Mr roT said...

...and before long some guy thinks the oilrig in the middle of Paris deserves mention as an architectural feat.
You're either with us or against us, AI.

My Frontier Thesis said...

how about Mt. Rushmore, how come it didn't make it on the list? Actually, I never seen it -- is it worth making the effort?

If you're rolling through South Dakota or nearby, you might as well. I mean, we only live once, eh? Swing by Deadwood as well and stand near the same spot where Wild Bill held his Dead-Man's Hand while pushing quarters into contemporary slot machines. It's all just a big tourist trap these days.

Personally I'd take the family to one of the Bad Lands national parks and watch the Little Missouri in a serene setting.