Thursday, April 27, 2006

brain fryers -- LXXiV

Yet another study proving my point: cell phones are baaaad for your brain!

The effect of electromagnetic fields from digital mobile phones (DMP) on cognitive functioning is an area receiving increased attention. This study compares the performance of 120 volunteers on 8 neuropsychological tests during real or sham exposure to a DMP set to maximum permissible radiofrequency power output. When results were adjusted for known covariates (gender, age, or education), several alterations at significance levels of p < 0.05 were obtained. Of these, simple and choice reaction times (CRT) showed strong evidence of impairment.

More sapping of the will...

1 comment:

My Frontier Thesis said...

Now I hold my cellphone at arm-length, away from my brain, and scream into the receiver.

Seriously though, I do often wonder what 1.2mhz does to the human brain.