Friday, April 07, 2006


The doggish part of the human soul?
Manliness is not sensitive. Today, we mainly cope with it by politely changing the subject. The very word is deemed quaint and outmoded. Gender experts in our universities teach as fact that the sex difference is an illusion--a discredited construct, like the earth being flat or the sun revolving around the earth.
(Christina Hoff Sommers)


Mr roT said...

Fascinating article, actually. Probably will get the book and then read a third of it, as usual.

Christina Hoff Sommers is a brilliant and thoughtful woman. Yeshua and I read her in the Atlantic a few years ago.

I think she tried to give a talk here at Harvard and was threatened with female circumcision. I'll google around.

Tecumseh said...

JJ, Thanks for adding the reference to Sommers. Actually, I had only paid attention to the book author's name (Mansfield). But clearly the review is excellent -- maybe even better than the book itself? (Such things can happen.)

Mr roT said...

That's exactly what I am worried about. Oops. I should have told you I added her name.