Saturday, April 22, 2006

Sex Bohm

What's cutie reading?
More, but weaker stuff.


Arelcao Akleos said...

University of Chicago? It is somehow bitterly refreshing that the school is now producing learned hussies.....although, if you remember what uses were made of a book by Darla's boss, in A Confederacy of Dunces, you would be right to be suspicious......Ah, that's it, the university has learnt how to convert scholarly lasses into hussies. Keeping up with Harvard Joneses and all that :(

Mr roT said...

Bitterness and envy. You just wish you could meet her and talk about quantum mechanics over a veggieburger and a soy milk, then repair to the International House and burn off some of those 25 calories on that couch impersonating some of the lower vibrational states of H_2.

After your absorption spectra had been calculated and measured, she would give you the heave-ho and you would be free as an electron in a Cooper pair, spin-coupled, but nuzzling the other tomatoes to make other compounds. No resistence.

Ahhhh! La recherche! Du temps perdu.

Mr roT said...

BTW, Lana Lee was hot. Maybe not Mother Teresa, but the way she gripped a barstool...