Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Zapatero Needs More Socialist Votes!

Too rich. If these guys don't get due process, Judge Baltasar Garzon will shut down Sierra Leone.


Mr roT said...

Apes don't believe in evolution? If so, they must be sad about the outcome.

Poor apes; they 'ave a 'ell of a time.

Maybe it's time to redress the wrongs inflicted on apes by biological injustice. I suggest admission quotas at Harvard, Yale, and Princeton.

Perhaps a few have already gotten in as legacies in the Kennedy and Kerry families?

Anonymous said...

More like Bushes at Yale.

Isn't it really interesting how the Prescotts made their money selling arms to the Nazis but we really get riled up over anything the Kennedy or Kerry families did?

Anonymous said...

Laura Bush killed someone in a car accident.

Having to be stopped from selling arms to Nazis after making a fortune doing it is really telling of the nature of the family.

How about the Bush relationship with the Saudis... Osama!

Mr roT said...

Oop. NA was responding to a comment I killed. I had pointed out Chappaquiddick and the culinary crimes ketchup has committed.

Mr roT said...

The Bush-Osama tie has been exposed as a fabrication. I will try to provide a link. The Prescott thing sounds serious but I am completely ignorant about it. I will look for links there too.

Mr roT said...

I had not heard about Laura Bush's killing someone in a car accident. Still, that's not quite the same thing as failing to save the woman you've inconveniently knocked up from drowning in your own car--from which you have escaped safely. Then getting around to reporting the 'accident' next morning.

There can be no comparison, I don't think.

The other crimes and misdemeanors committed by the Kennedys are ones committed by living, power-wielding Kennedys, not long-dead grandparents of current leaders. I would say there is an important distinction there as well.

Recall that Joseph Kennedy was also a supporter of the Nazis and Ted doesn't get any static about it.

The Kerrys are just irrelevant. Who has brought up ketchup-crime?

Tecumseh said...

How did we get sidetracked from the ape stories, which were quite good, actually? At any rate, the Prescott slur sounds like BS to me, while the Bush-Osama tie like total fabrication. On the other hand, the Joe K thing is well documented, while the Chappaquiddick incident (as decribed by JJ) is beyond dispute.

Back to the chimps as the newest Socialist protected class, this is fresher.

Mr roT said...

I wonder exactly what rights chimps will get? Welfare? Education? Healthcare? I want to see this law, if this is not just a hoax.

Mr roT said...

Here is a discussion of the Bush-bin Laden hoax.

Mr roT said...

Here is an article containing references to Prescott Bush's alleged connectiions to the Nazis. The claim is that it is LaRouche behind them. Sounds reasonable, but who knows?

Mr roT said...

This story seems to indicate that this is not a hoax:

Durante cierto tiempo nos han mantenido perplejos y, por fin, se ha hecho la luz. Si no se trata de una «inocentada», rescatada o anticipada, ayer, 25 de abril, momento en que festejamos la aprobación de nuestro Estatuto, el Grupo Socialista habrá presentado el «Proyecto Gran Simio» en el Congreso. Los socialistas, constatando que los grandes simios comparten con ellos el 98,4% de sus genes, han determinado que como medida prioritaria se redacte una tabla de «Derechos Humanos» (sic) para ellos. Como recoge la prensa «explicarán en el Congreso que su vida afectiva y mental justifica ser incluidos en la categoría de personas».

Desconocemos si los simios, como consecuencia de algunas actuaciones desarrolladas por los políticos que nos gobiernan, como contraprestación adecuada a aquella propuesta, incluirán a los hombres, dada su vida sexual y mental próxima a chimpancés, bonobos, gorilas y orangutanes, en la «Tabla de Derechos Simiescos».

Mr roT said...

I guess it could still be una «inocentada», rescatada o anticipada.

Mr roT said...

...on someone's part.

Tecumseh said...

And here is an article detailing the LaRouche connection behind the smear campaign against the ex-Senator from Connecticut.

Mr roT said...

whoa! good find, AI!

end of story?