Saturday, April 22, 2006

Excellent Coverage of the Italian Elections

Even more interesting are the intellectuals who are beginning to discuss whether Catholics and non-religious people can unite to defend Western identity (or maybe just to figure out what it is). Right now, the leaders of the group are mostly secular, although Pope Benedict XVI converges with their thinking more than did John Paul II, who was more focused on interreligious dialogue. Despite their secularism, a name given them by the Riformista newspaper--i teocon, "the theocons"--has stuck, perhaps because it combines theology with neoconservatism, both less than popular in Italian intellectual circles.


The author echoes a lot of what I have been telling you guys for a while, but also brings out other stuff I had no idea about. This is excellent reporting and writing. You'll see that he refers to Il Foglio for which I provided a link in the sidebar a while ago. It's as good as he says it is. You Romance readers will get it with little problem, though likely not many of the jokes.

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