Monday, April 10, 2006

France surrenders

To the French! OK, OK, it's just Chirac and Villepin who give in to the rule of the mob, but hey, it's still par for the course, non?


Mr roT said...

Heartbreaking, really. One thing I don't hear enough is that this is a failure of democracy. The whole country is being held hostage by a minority here, and the whole country decides to pat them on the head and let them wreck the place. What a shame.

Tecumseh said...

Hopeless. Not always 100% true, but, by and large, I think one gets as good a government as the people themselves. Things get out of whack sometimes (one way or the other), but, in the long run, the correlation between the two is rather close to 1, yes?

Mr roT said...

There's a lot to that. Still, sometimes a great man or woman (like Thatcher, I am not being PC) comes along, way out ahead of the people and sets them right, at least for a little while.

Tecumseh said...

Yes. But things revert to mean, pretty much always. On the other hand, this mean also varies with time. Question is: what is the long wave here?