Friday, April 07, 2006

Fake but accurate?

Should we be gnostic or agnostic on this one?

Also, what would we do without experts?

"It shows that different people had differing beliefs of the teachings of Jesus and his apostles."

You don't say!


Mr roT said...

AI, the NYT had a good article about this also, here. I'd never heard of the Cainites, you?

Tecumseh said...

Well, OK, not fake like in the Dan Rather memo (typed in Microsoft Word twenty some odd years after the fact) , as my rather lame pun seems to imply. Question I wanted to raise was: is this just an interpretation of the Gnostics, simply sucking their thumbs and making things up as they went, or is it based on contamporaneous accounts that those Gnostics may have come across, way back when? I tend to go with the former interpretation, on general principles.

Tecumseh said...

Well, I see that the NYT has already stolen my thunder :) And, no, never heard of the Cainites. Gotta brush up on history...

Mr roT said...

The punchline at the end of the NYT article is pretty good, eh?

Tecumseh said...

Here is a translation of the Gospel of Judas (pdf file).